Son of the End (11)

Start from the beginning

"...Fine." I sighed.

My friends stared at me.

"Jesse, you'll die!" Lukas objected.

I exhaled. "I want you guys to go home."

"Ugh, why do you always take risks like that!?" Petra growled angrily, though I knew she was more worried than mad.

"Come, Jesse." Mitera ordered.

She didn't really need to tell my to come, because she grabbed my arm and teleported outside of the cell. She lifted her arms, and a pair of purple glowing cuffs materialized.

"Sorry I have to do this, but both you and me will die if your try to escape... Though I don't think you'll try to."

I stayed silent, but yelped as I felt something pinch my wings.

"Wing cuffs," Mitera quickly explained.

"But... how am I going to summon Einde if I have no idea how to use magic?" I asked her.

She started walking, and I followed behind.

"Oh, you won't. Eerste will actually be the one to awaken the Creator. But he'll have to use you as a kind of object."

Well, isn't that just great?

We turned a corner.

"It'll be painful for you. But please, hold still for it. It ll go quicker if you do."

I didn't respond. The entire trip was her making occasional statements and telling me what to do or not to do. I barely paid attention, as my mind was fixed on what laid ahead of me. I was going to be used as a pawn to awaken a god.

We emerged into a large chamber, much larger than the one in the tower. The roof was wide open, showing the purple static sky. Everything was made out of that strange purple block and End stone. Enderman were scattered everywhere. What put them apart from the other ones that they had wings. Some had feathered, while others had bat-like oned. Most Endermen were covered in scaled, but some, like me, were covered in feathers, and few had fur. The ones that had tails had them from small stubs to tails that would make the Ender Dragon become jealous. But, the one thing that stayed the same across all of them were the piercing, empty green eyes.

There was a large, stage-like platform made of bedrock in the middle of the chamber. On top of it stood a gigantic golden coffin. I suppressed a shudder. I knew that was where Einde was. Eerste was standing on top of the platform in front of the coffin, claws behind his back and his whip-like tail flicking.

"Eerste." Mitera spoke out. Several Enderman turned, including Eerste.

A ominous-looking grin spread across his face, showing light purple razor-sharp teeth.

"Ah, you brought it." Eerste pointed out. "Bring him up here, and we will begin the Creator's awakening."

She mind-whispered a "sorry" to me, and grabbed me once again by the scruff, carrying me over to the platform as if I was a kitten. I didn't really enjoy the ride, since it made me feel more like an animal than a human. She placed me down so that I was on my knees. I don't know about you, but being on your knees as an Enderman was not the most comfortable. Endermen started to crowd around, and I heard Mitera's claws click against the floor as she walked off the platform.

I turned to Eerste, eyes wide. He just gave me a smirk, then turned to the crowd.

"Today, my people, will be the day we finally awaken our true god!"

Cheers sounded behind me, and they sounded they came straight from the nether.

"With our Creator's half-blooded offspring, I will awaken Einde once more, taking it's life energy and giving it to him!"

Cheers erupted once again. I winced. Of course he didn't see me as an actual living being. I felt myself being picked up Not by somebody's claw, but magic. I looked up to see Eerste's scarred arm extended out. A large sword materialized in his hand. My eyes widened. But, instead of killing my, he pointed it at me. I felt the energy drain from my limbs, and it hurt. A lot. I tried to let out a scream, but it was barely audible. He let me drop to the floor. Every part of my body burned, a lot more then when I changed. I could only look in fear as Eerste turned, and pointed the sword to the coffin. A purple beam shot out of it, right at a jewel at the top of it. There was a moment of silence, before a deafening high-pitched sound rang through my ears, like a sword scraping across metal.

Before I knew what was happening, the coffin burst. Pieces of it went fling, some of them hitting and even killing some of the Endermen. The coffin crumbled into nothing but dust, and a mess of wings floated there. Two dragon wings, and two feathered. The feathered wings looked a lot like mine, but with a lot more purple spots and most definitely larger. Then, the wings unfurled. Bright green eyes opened, the colossal body stretching out from its curled state and standing on its own on the platform. A very long tail drooped down, swaying behind his scaled body. I could feel any hopes of going home being ripped to shreds.

Einde had awoke.   

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