epilogue | thank you

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It was not the same.

Everything was dull, just black and white.

Which makes sense, because it was that day, that Harry hated. Everyone hated that day, the day that Niall's being buried.

Everyone had flowers in their hands, small candles in the middle of the bouquets of roses. Everyone felt down, felt like breaking down and crying in the middle of the Mrs. Horan's talk.

Niall's mom, Maura, held her head up high, but even though she seemed like she was handling the situation well, her silent tears were telling a different story. "Thank you all for coming here." She said in the microphone, Niall's picture right in front of his tomb. "It has been a hard day for all of us. Niall was a very cheerful kid, he'd always try to make everyone laugh. He was one special kid, that always tried to help everyone with their problems. He, himself, ignored his problems and that wasn't right. I remember the day he came up to me, smiled, and said, "I got an A in biology test, ma. Are you proud?". I always nodded my head, kissed his forehead and thanked God for a kid like he was." Maura closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them again. "We will miss you, Ni, we're so proud of you." She hurried off the stage and sat back down on the chair that she was previously sitting on. 

The people that were there, including Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall's dad, Niall's uncle, Niall's brother Greg, Niall's whole family and other friends, clapped and quietly prayed for Niall to find his peace.

After half of the people said what they wanted about Niall, and shared their most beautiful memories with him, it was Louis' turn. It was obvious that he wasn't handling the situation well, so Niall's old friend, Samantha, came up on the stage along with him. She was patting his shoulder, while Louis' shaking hand grabbed the microphone.

"Niall was my best friend, my brother." Louis started, his eyes already getting watery. "He never accepted 'No' as an answer. He was a stubborn lad, but damn, he was a man and a half." Everyone chuckled at that. "When we were younger, we planned to run away from home, just the two of us. We were planning on being alone, best friends- brothers forever. Now all of that's gone, but his promise is still there." Louis stopped and took a deep breath and then continued. "Louis, I will always be there for you, I promise." Louis brushed his tears. "And I held onto his promise, I still do and will. Because even if you weren't close with Niall, the only thing you need to know about him is that he never breaks his promise. I believe in him, I believe that he will not ever leave me alone." Louis said and then walked off the stage, sitting back in his chair.

Everyone clapped as they did after Maura's talk. It was now Harry's turn to share the memories he will never forget of Niall with people and everyone who was there. "Go, Harry. You can do this." His sister, Gemma, tried to encourage him, but Harry still felt as if his heart is breaking even more. Just looking at the picture of Niall, just looking at the words "Rest in peace Niall Horan", he felt as if he is dying of sadness. "I believe in you, big brother. Come on." Gemma smiled sweetly and grabbed his hand, making him stand up. They both walked over to the stage and everyone patiently waited for Harry to speak up.

"Niall-" He stopped and looked down at his feet, scared to even say a word without breaking down and crying. He knew that was impossible, because the nights he's been crying himself to sleep tell everything. Gemma stroked his hand gently, giving him the support he needs to say what he's thinking- To say what he's meaning, to say what he wants to. "Niall was and still is my everything. I-I made a stupid mistake and I will never forget myself. I was once able to call him my sunshine, to call him my world, my everything- Now, sadly, I'm not. I don't know what to actually say, because I'm scared that I will make him mad- I'm scared that he will walk away from me like he did the first time." Harry took a deep breath and then continued. "I agree with Louis. One thing, the only thing you need to know about Niall is that he never breaks his promise. He was and still is a special person and will forever live in our hearts, that is true, but the only thing I want to know, right now, is why did he leave us if he promised to always be there for us, for Louis, for his family, for me? God, if I had one more chance to ask him, I would, I swear to God, I would."

"I did not leave you and you can ask me." A voice said, the voice incredibly sounding like Niall's.

And that was the only sentence everyone needed to hear. 

He was back. Niall was back.

He was back and will keep his promise, will be there for everyone as always.


I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who was there, with this story, from the very beginning.

I did not want to make you guys suffer, so I had to bring Niall back.

Yes, Harry and Niall got back together, when Harry got older and had a grey hair, Niall turned him into a vampire like he is so they could live together forever.

This story has officially ended.


There's a lot of more stories from me, so if you liked this story and want to check out my other stories, go ahead and take a look on my profile. (:

- Jo.😋

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