A New Beginning

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That fateful day, so many years ago, was still deeply rooted in young Robin Hughes' mind. It was like an old wound that wouldn't heal. It was on that day that everything changed. It was that day that she, her family and her entire town was almost completely annihilated due to a complete misunderstanding. It was on that day...that she lost her closest friend in the world.

7 Years Ago

Rockwell, Maine

The air raid siren warning of the large and quickly approaching atomic weapon sounded strong and loud throughout the small town. The townspeople, hearing this, quickly began to panic as the large fifty feet tall grey colored robot known as the Iron Giant gently lowered his hand to the ground and allowed a 9 year old Robin to jump off onto the snow covered ground. Her mother, Annie Hughes, quickly ran over to her and enveloped her daughter into a tight hug which Robin returned. As they hugged, Robin looked over her mother's shoulder and up at the sky only for her eyes to widen in fear.

"Oh no." she whispered, letting go of her mother as she stepped away, her eyes following the long trail of smoke that originated from the military warship. The long trail of smoke belonged to by far the deadliest weapon mankind had ever created...the Atomic Bomb. The cause of this entire situation was Kent Mansley, a real good for nothing sleazebag government agent from the Bureau of Unexplained Phenomena. Due to his complete paranoia of foreign invaders, Kent immediately assumed the Iron Giant was sent to infiltrate and take over our country.

Thus he called in the army which was led by General Rogard, a high ranking military leader from Washington D.C. Now Rockwell and all its citizens were facing a deadly threat that could completely wipe them off the face of the map. Upon hearing the heavy, metallic steps of the Iron Giant approaching her, Robin turned around to face him. The Giant had also spotted the bomb and, not knowing what it was, looked down at Robin with a confused expression. "It's a missile." she explained, pointed up at said warhead. "When it comes down...everyone will die." Annie and Robin's new friend Dean McCoppin came to her side, Annie placing a comforting hand on Robin's shoulder.

"There it is!" someone shouted, causing the gathered townspeople to turn and look up at the missile that continued to climb higher and higher into the sky. As the crowd watched the missile the Giant turned his gaze to the crowd below his with interest. So many innocent people. All their lives could be lost simply because of his presence. He had to do something. The Iron Giant's eyes narrowed as he turned his gaze to the missile, a determined look setting on his face. It was then he made his decision.

"Shouldn't we get to a shelter?" Annie asked Dean as she held Robin close to her. Dean simply shook his head as he placed a comforting hand on Robin's head. "It wouldn't matter." Thoughts of dread began to fill Robin's mind only for them to be cut short when the Giant suddenly spoke in his broken English. "I fix." Robin broke away from her mother's embrace and walked over to the Giant, a look of confusion crossing her face. "Giant?" she asked quietly. The Giant looked down at perhaps the only person who ever understood him with a sad expression. "Robin."

The Giant knelt down to speak with her as he gently caressed her cheek with one of his fingers, causing her to lean into it for comfort. "You stay." he said, gently lifting her chin up so he could look into her eyes. "I go." he said while pointing to himself with his other hand before waging his pointer finger in a no motion like she'd done to him a few days ago. "No following." he said, repeating the words she'd spoken when they first met. The Giant then gently pulled his hand away, causing Robin too reluctantly let go of his finger as he backed away from her.

"I love you." she whispered softly as tears began to form in the corner of her eyes, her heart breaking into a million pieces. The Giant gently smiled at Robin before turning his attention back to the sky with a determined expression. He bent his knees and launched himself into the sky, activating the rockets in his feet which sent him soaring high into the atmosphere. Robin watched with bated breath along with the rest of the town as the Giant flew straight towards the incoming missile to save all their lives. A moment later an enormous explosion erupted from above, the blast lighting up the entire sky with a blinding white light which caused everyone to shield their eyes.

Transformers meets the Iron Giant: a Transformers Prime and Iron Giant crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now