-I know that Tiana couldn't help but cry whenever remembering he had cheated on her, that he had lied to her, pushed her away, treated her worst than shit!

-But he love her! So what's the difference between you two?" I had so many answers in mind but only one escaped my mouth.

"I really was trying to love her even though nobody ever teach me how to."

          I then got up, went to the door of the room and asked to go back to my cell. The same guardian opened the door with the same hateful stare and once again cuffed me. I was pushed back to my cell, my head spinning. I knew that from the moment Tiana would come to give her testimony I would just be send back to jail in America and never see her again. She'd probably refuse to come to the trial just like the first time. The idea of coming to Jail wasn't that bad but not being able to see her was just horrible when just a few weeks ago I was sleeping with her in my arms and dreaming about raising a child together.

          I knew that I was maybe the baddest man on earth and that I didn't deserve such an angel in my life but for a few months, just like back in America, she let me see, let me feel how was having a family. I really wanted to do things well with her but this fucker in this bar had to give me this weird shit and I couldn't control anything and I regretted it so much.

          I think maybe it's a punishment of God for coveting one of his angels. I had to spoil it myself and see all my chances to live happy being smashed by my very own hands. I sat on the smelly mattress and let my head hit the wall. I knew it was too late to do be forgiven, all I wanted was to see her one last time, just once and I'd let myself rot in jail. If I couldn't even imagine in what state she was at that moment.

*JongIn's POV*

          I was lied on the hotel bed with Jason next to me and my mom patting his head, our family day interrupted before it even started. Tiana suddenly started screaming and begging me to go back to the hotel, so I did, but since we were back she didn't want to go out of the bathroom, it already had been 2 hours that she was in there and the more I was knocking the more she was telling me she was fine when I knew she wasn't.

          I could see that Jason was on the brick of crying and that he only had held it back because it would worry both his mom and me but finally he started sobbing in his Grandmother's shirt. I went to the bathroom door and knock again trying to get Tiana to get out of the bathroom but she was still not answering. I tried so negotiate.

"Tiana, if you get out of here and tell me what is this all about I'll do whatever you want." She stayed silent.

"I will even allow you to go out." No response. Negotiating wasn't working. So I tried the last thing I could.

"Tiana, Jason doesn't seem fine." I heard a movement behind the door.

"I think he has a fever" Suddenly steps sound were heard and the door flew open to let me see a completely different Tiana from the morning.

          Her skin had started to be more colored, her eyes brighter, her smile had appeared too. Then she was standing in front of me with messy hair covering a bit her watery and red eyes, probably from crying, her pale skin from lake of energy and her shoulders down made her look smaller.

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