Chapter 12

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"God I'm so tired..aren't you?" Ria groaned as she rubbed her feet.

Zian who was rubbing his wet hair with a towel stopped for a moment as he gazed deep into her eyes "No, not really. I enjoyed myself."

"Me too, I had a great time..Thanks." Ria's mood perked up a bit, as she remembered how attentive Zian had been during the day.

He came to sit beside her on the bed, switching on his laptop as he sipped a cup of green tea.

"This stuff is good." he said as he raised his cup to take another sip and Ria turned to look at him as she offered him a smug smile and said "Told want me to repeat the health benefits again?"

"No, I think they are en grained in my mind after the 100 of times you repeated them." he said 

This was the first time he was so chilled out around her, for the first time she felt she could really connect to him and it did feel really good.



"What do you do?"


"I mean for a and stuff"she asked in an interested voice. Nothing weird here right? She should know what her husband does..general knowledge.

He turned to look at her, his expression a little guarded but a hint of amusement lingering in his eyes.

"What? Cant I know what my husband does for a living? Oh my god don't tell me.. are you in mafia?"
Zian choked on the tea and chuckled "No Ria..but you are close."


"No. I own a security company." when he saw her still confused expression he added "Bodyguards."

"Oh! now I see.. you are a stalker." she said with a satisfied smile.

"Ria!" his exasperated tone and an amused smile playing on his lips as he continued "I own a couple of other business too..real estate, hotels.."

"That's nice.' Ria turned on her side, an elbow supporting her head as he gazed at him. His silk robe hugging his body, the sash tied loosely at his toned waist and a pair of pyjamas. His long legs stretched out, his feet almost touching hers, the laptop sitting on his stomach as he typed furiously, rubbing his eyes.

"Ria.." he said not looking at her as he concentrated hard on something on the screen.


"Do you mind passing my glasses, I have them in my laptop case."

"Yeah sure." she leaned towards the bag, which was kept near the small settee and fished out the contents, still half hanging out of the bed.

"Here you go." she took out a case and handed it to him. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw him with his glasses on. Mature but oh so sexy.

The light stubble gracing his chin, a sleep messed up hair and those rimless glasses resting on his arrogant nose, just resting against the pillows.. he looked someone out of a mills and boon book, or maybe a Yashraj movie.

" So what do you want to do tomorrow?.. Ria?" he repeated her name to get her attention.

"Huh? Oh anything. I'm tired I think I should sleep now. Good night." she said quickly as she felt her cheeks warm up. She scrambled on the bed, her head hitting the headboard of the bed in her haste and she plopped on the bed, rubbing her head and cursing a few flowery words under her breath.

"Oh you do curse like a sailor. You okay?" Zian turned to look at  her as he changed his position. He sat really close to her and his fingers gently caressed the little bump on her head. He looked deep into her eyes and his gaze followed as she bit her lip. She moved back suddenly, avoiding his gaze  and said

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