Chapter 2

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"YOU! What the hell are you doing here? How the hell did you get inside? Don't you have any manners?" Ria said putting her hands on her waist and glaring at the man in front of her. When he dint say anything, his heated gaze on her face, her expression turned confused.

After a moment or two she realized that she was in her robe and with a shriek she ran back to the bathroom, hitting the side of her table as she did so. She let out a groan as the scratch on her calf started oozing out blood and whimpered slightly as she looked at it. She heard Zian mutter a curse, which he seemed to be doing quite often as his warm hands reached her towel clad shoulders.

He was avoiding eye contact with her,  a red stain adoring his cheeks as he lightly pushed her in her dressing room and grabbed whatever came to his hand first and thrust them in her hand and moved away.

It was almost as if he was shy to look at her, and she let out a small giggle as she though how adorable he looked right now, so different from the man who kissed her, at their first meeting..

Luckily there was a pair of her freshly ironed track pants and a lose t-shirt on the dressing table and she made it a mental note to thank Martha for keeping it there. She looked at the clothes Zian had thrown to her and smiled. In his haste to give her clothes, he had given her another one of her towel robe, crazy human being, she thought shaking her head.

She padded softly towards her bed, running her fingers in her wet hair and sat on the bed, sighing at the feel of the Egyptian cotton beneath her fingers and slid slowly on her pillow.

"Don't even think of sleeping until you have eaten something.." the voice made her jerk back, making her sit up and turn her head towards the annoying man who was standing near the glass window, casually leaning on the wall, with his hands in his pocket, his hair messy.

He looked so handsome that Ria wanted to run her fingers in those brownish black locks.. Woah woah What the hell was wrong with her? There was an unknown man, who kissed her without her permission, who dragged her back home when she wanted to stay in the hospital, who came into her room and was now staring at her like he was about to eat her up.

"What are you doing in my room?"

"Making sure you don't starve yourself to death."

"I'm going to eat now GO."

"Come on, even I haven't eaten anything since lunch and I'm starving too. Come on help yourself." he said sitting across her on the velvet cushioned chair and helped himself with the food that was kept on the table.

The nerve of the man! She looked at him wide eyed, gaping at him as he sat comfortably, eating. He spared her a glance and said "Come on." with exaggerated patience.

She got up slowly, looking at the food but felt his eyes on  her, following her every movement. She looked at him, from the corner of her eyes and saw with amusement that he had stopped eating. his hand with the fork hanging in the air as he stared intensely at her. She turned to look at him, challenging him to say something while he awkwardly cleared his throat once, twice..thrice and turned back to eating.

She sat and started eating, enough to save some space for the dessert.

"How is he now?" she asked Zian.

"He's still sleeping. Don't worry I'll take you at the hospital in the morning."

"I'll go there on my own. You don't have to---"

"I want to."

"But I can--" she started stubbornly.



"Eat your food ." he said without glancing up

"I will--"

"Ria if you don't shut up, I wont care about the food and haul you up from the seat, drag you here on my lap and kiss you. You want to say something now?"  She shook her head and finished her food, grabbing the bowl of Rasgullas and started eating them.

"So what are you doing?" he asked her and she looked up at him.

"Eating, that's what you ordered me to do right?"

"No I meant"

"Oh I'm pursuing Psychology."

"So how long is this course?"  he asked and she really did appreciate his effort to make a conversation like a decent human being. Maybe he wasn't that bad or bipolar.

"Its for 3 years. I'm in the 2nd so one more year to go, then masters, then PhD, then work."

"But do you think you will be able to cope up with all this with marriage?"

"What marriage?" she asked lightly taking another bite of the dessert.

"Our marriage."


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