Chapter 5

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The date was set.

The preparations were taking place, hotels booked, designers called,wedding cards,  flower arrangements, mehendi designs, parties.. and Ria was going crazy.

And the freaking date was set.

She stood near her bed, looking at the beautiful Kashmiri work suit Zian had sent as a gift. She ran her fingers lightly at the embroidery, for a quiet and serious man, Zian knew almost every tactic to make a girl fall for him. She felt something remotely similar to a jealousy as she thought how well he had mastered that talent, but she rarely got to see that side of him.

He was rarely so charming that Ria literally melted but normally, when she was in control of her emotions she really did want to bang a hot frying pan on his head.

It had been almost a 3 weeks since the incident in the library. He had blackmailed her to marry him, but despite that Ria couldn't help but feel something really strong for him. The feelings made her uncomfortable as she had never been so attracted to a guy before, few crushed here and there. But Zian wasn't just any guy.

He was going to be her husband.

And she was going on a date with him.

" You're happy right?" her father had asked this question numerous times, sensing a resistance in her answer but he never gave up.. neither did she.

"Yes I am. Don't worry about me. How are you feeling today?Did you take your medicines?"

"Yes I did. Is there something you are hiding from me?"

" eat this." Ria said shoving a piece of apple in her father's mouth.

"Oh by the way Zian called. He wants to take you out for dinner tonight."

"I cant. I'm not leaving you alone--"

"Oh for god sake girl, I'm not alone. Martha is here, and that blasted doctor will come to."

Ria chuckled " Blasted doctor?I thought he was your best friend."

"Not now, since he has stopped all sweets for me. He's no more my friend."

"Still I'm not leaving you--"

"I accepted on your behalf. Don't worry I'll be know its normal for engaged couples to go out on a date.So go and get ready."

He had smartly asked her dad instead of her knowing she would refuse. So here she was, dressed in her short silk robe rummaging through her closet.

She was really nervous, this was their first "date" date.

Zian had arrived 15 minutes back, while she was still getting ready. She knew he would be getting agitated but the little she devil residing in her made him want to wait and the other part was if she could decide which dress she would wear, it would be a hell lot easier.

She smoothed her thick flowing hair, moving the strands away from her face when she heard the door open.

Martha her savior,glad that she was here.

"Martha you've got to help me find something to wear--"

"Its not good manners to make someone wait." she heard the deep, sensual sound as the large hands wrapped around her tiny waist from behind.

He buried his face in her hair and sniffed.

"Did you just smell my hair? You're so creepy. Get out I need to get dressed."

"Why have an almost always seen you only in your dressing robe?"

"That because you have no decency and a sense of someone's privacy." this time she replied as she turned to face him and gasped.

He looked so handsome in a grey suit, his hair messy and that really sexy faint traces of beard. He resembled a very sophisticated bad boy, a very sexy one too.

Zian saw Ria's expression and gave a satisfied smile when he heard her breath loudly. So the attraction was not just one sided. He looked at her in the silk clad frame, her robe reaching upto the mid of her thighs, wrapped around the slender, curvy frame like a second skin made his pulse go up.

Her hair fell in waves around her face on her shoulders, giving her a irresistible sleepy bed hair look. He wanted nothing more than to throw her on to the plush bed and make her his in the most basic manner.

He took deep breaths as he moved out of the room and made his way to the living area. Today was a big day, he had to concentrate at the task in hand. He looked out of the glass doors and saw the faint light of the sun setting in. It always made him giddy to look at the sinking sun and he turned his head away from it.

Ria slowly descended the stairs after meeting her father, wearing one of the dresses which she found by chance. It was buried in the pile on clothes mounting in her closet and it seemed a good option for the date.

Zian turned to look at her, gazing at her for a few moments, his face betraying no emotion. After a moment he cleared his throat and clasped her hand in his, his thumb tracing the pulsing vein on her inner wrist as they sat in the chauffeur driven car.

She snatched her hand back and shifted in her seat, deliberately moving her head away from his and gazing out of the window.

"Did you select the dress for the wedding?" his voice came out in a husky tone, probably because he was silent for such a long time.

"No not yet."

Further conversations were halted as the car stopped in front of a hotel.

Zian stepped out, helping Ria and they moved inside. The glances and some open admiration Ria was receiving from the onlookers had Zian growling with possessiveness as he wrapped his arm around her waist, dragging her close to him.

She muttered something unintelligible but he chose to ignore it, striding forward to the destination.
He led her to the gardens, the lighting and flowers he had selected making Ria make an adorable"OH!" sound.

The table was set, wine glasses and candle light as he dragged Ria's chair and helped her before moving to his side.

He rehearsed the lines in his mind, the ones Ryan and specially Kate made him learn to say to his would be wife. The awkward silence stretched until Zian had had enough of it.

He took hold of her left hand, his eyes on her face the entire time. He noted her wide eyed, shocked expression and said confidently, sliding the ring onto her ring finger.

"Marry me Ria."


Ria's dress>>>

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