Chapter 3

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She choked, coughing wildly as Zian came to her rescue, patting her back and offering her water.

When she had calmed down, which took a long time she muttered a "WHAT?"  as he wiped the tears on her cheeks.

"We are going to get married." that did it. She stared at him for a moment and then started laughing like a maniac, clutching the sides of her stomach.

"Haha very funny. Thanks I kind of needed it, you know for a moment I almost believed you."

His face then suddenly came really close to hers, his arms trapping her on the couch as he leaned into her and brought his lips near her ear. His warm, minty breath making the hair on her back rise pleasurably.

"You better believe it darling because I am not joking. We are going to get married.."

She gathered her strength and pushed him back, her pathetic effort at least got him to move back. He sat beside her, his arm casually resting on the back of the couch. His fingers were smoothing the ends of her hair and she shuddered.

"You're mad."

He dint say anything just caressed her creamy cheeks, while Ria made no movement.

"I'm just 20, this  is child marriage. I can have you arrested for sexual harassment. I am not going to get married to a stranger."

Why the hell was she giving an explanation?

" Well you are going to be 21 soon." was this the only thing he got?

"Get out." she screamed, all her good thoughts about him going out of the window.

"Listen to me." his calm attitude brought her days worth of pent up emotion to the surface.


He sighed, and looked at her as if she was a child throwing an unnecessary tantrum. He slowly got up and with a last look at her beautiful furious  face he moved out of the room, and she banged the door loudly, screaming in frustration.

The next morning she groggily got up as the sun rays made way inside her bedroom. She had cried, alot, even she dint know why but there was this painful pang in her chest which resulted in her outburst.

She got up, brushed her teeth and went out to see if Martha was up. Rubbing her swollen eyes she banged her head on the wall and groaned as she rubbed her head. But that wall had arms and a sexy voice which made her mad last night.

"You okay?" he asked as he steadied her.

"What are you doing here? Oh god did you sleep here yesterday?" she asked her voice raising as she looked at the six foot something Greek god in front of her. He was wearing pyjamas and a white tshirt which stretched across his broad muscular chest and faintly hinted on his six pack. His hair were messy and he had this adorable childlike expression on his face as he slowly nodded.

She really had to curb down the urge to pinch his cheeks, he looked that cute.

"Where are you going?" he asked in his sleepy, rough voice. Okay that was seriously HOT.

"I'm running away."


"Going down to see if Martha is up, you idiot." she said and his mouth dropped open. Maybe no one ever talked to him like that.

"Yeah? I'll come with you."

"You really think I'm going to run off." she asked descending down the stairs.


"I'm not going to marry you."

"You will."

"I wont."

He just kept his mouth shut and moved over to the dining chair she was about to sit in.

"Hey I'm sitting here."  she snapped at him.

"I know." he said pulling out the chair for her, and then moving over to sit just opposite to her.

"You know its a little late to act like a gentleman."

He dint comment again. Martha had  already laid down the breakfast, bless her soul.

"Your father has  woken up. He is fine but a little weak." Zian murmured, his voice low and serious.

"Did you talk to him?"

"No, but I'm going to take you to him so you can talk to him." he really did not speak much. Such short, curt, to the point sentences, she felt bad for him and specially for those around him.

After an hour they both got ready and were on the way to the hospital. The "marriage" talk was finally forgotten and Ria sighed in relief. He was joking, she was sure of it now. God that crazy man almost gave her a heart attack.

Walking fast, almost running to reach her father's room, she opened the door with hast and ran inside. Her father looked a little better, his eyes lit up when he saw his daughter.

"Dad.." she went and hugged him, careful to not mess up with the wires running around.

"How are you?Do you feel any pain?Did you eat something?When did you get up?Why dint you call me? Are you okay now?Will---"

"Okay okay relax princess. I'm fine, absolutely hail and hearty. "he croaked in a weak voice, his frail hand squeezing hers lightly in a reassuring manner.

"Hello, how are you feeling now?" a deep  voice came from behind and Ria shivered lightly.

"Zian--" her father's voice got a happy edge and he continued "I'm fine kid. Don't worry about me."

Zian came forward and wrapped his arm around Ria's waist, dragging her close to him and her father's eyes widened as he looked over at them. Ria's face mirrored her father's expression and  reflexes were now extremely slow, she dint even push him away, just stood gaping at him.

"What is going on?" her father's curious and a little angry voice brought her out of her trance and she tried to push Zian away but he dint make a move. His deep, firm voice echoed in the room

"We have some good news for you. We are getting married."


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