Chapter 6

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Regardless of all the drama going around the wedding, the ceremony was intimate and the gathering small.

Ria had dressed up in a traditional designer lehenga(not red  thank god!!!) with her grandmother's kundan and polki jewellery.

She really couldn't recall the entire wedding, simply drifting from one ritual to another. When she had entered, Zian looks were of pure possessiveness, his eyes admiring each and every inch of her body making Ria flush and when he had held her hand, the strong grip, the reassuring squeeze and the gentle rubbing of his thumb on her erratic pulse screamed ownership.

 Zian owned Ria now.

Funny this wasn't the way at all she had dreamt she would get married and more surprisingly there were hardly any members from Zian's family, just few of his close friends, Kate who had made her feel so comfortable and Ryan, Samar and his wife and the lone character Sebastian,they all had welcomed Ria with so much affection.

Her mind drifted off to their first and last date..till date.

 He had simply stated that she should marry him, she refused, he gave her a silent treatment with occasional glares as the food was being served cursing a bit in between before he exploded and like his usual arrogant self, told her that she was 'his' and he was going to tie her up with him to make sure she never left him, and she would marry him. They had argued for about the entire time, Ria trying to talk him out of the stupid stubbornness but he was quite adamant, and here they were.

For two weeks she had managed to avoid him, giving him an icy, cold treatment but who could blame her?She was the one being married to a guy, a stranger that too who blackmailed her into marriage. Sometimes she really felt as if all this was not real, just a dream because she felt so disconnected.

Zian's fingers squeezed her waist and she looked up, her gaze meeting that of her new husband, god she felt so weird just thinking about it. She looked at Kate who gave her a wide smile, gently rubbing her  pregnant stomach as she snuggled into Ryan's arms.

"She's tired Zian, I think its time you guys go back to the hotel."

"Hotel?Why.." Ria's alarmed gaze was met by Samar's amused one.

"Its your wedding night with this brute, I gave you an option to run away with me but ..Ah!" he would have continued but his wife Misha pinched him, smiling at Ria.

"Ignore him.. Ria come with me." Misha took her hand, she must have seen Ria's scared, nervous expression.  Kate joined them a minute later, as they sat on the couches in the little dressing room.

Ria was hyperventilating as she kept saying "I cant do this" again and again and Misha and Kate looked at each other worriedly.Finally it had hit her now that she was a married lady!

She was Zian's wife..

 Ria's best friend Kiara joined them a minute later, trying to calm Ria down. Being a hopeless romantic she was she told Ria repeatedly that Zian was madly in love with her, despite knowing the full story. All three tried to calm her down, distracting her with random stuff and finally Ria began to feel a little normal.

A sudden knock on the door put an end to the commotion and Zian entered, looking killer hot in the velvet blue sherwani matching to her lehenga and so arrogantly sure of himself making Ria look so pathetic. She wiped her clammy palms on her lehenga as she saw his moving gracefully, her stride confident and his eyes determined.

"Can I have my bride back? After all its our wedding day.. I need her all to myself." his husky voice made Ria curl her toes as she suppressed a shiver.All three smiled, and hugged Ria murmuring something in ears, but she couldn't hear anything with her heart thumping in her chest so fast and loud.

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