Chapter 26

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"No..look I've tried to be mature about the whole thing, I've tried to be nonchalant..but its hurting me." she got up, pushing his hands away, staring in his eyes with her tear filled gaze.

"I know, its just..nothing. Its nothing you should be worried about. "

" Are you..are you cheating on me?" Ria whispered, her pain filled whisper breaking his heart into million pieces.

"NO.." he raised his voice and then tried to lower it "No..never Ria..never."

He raised his hand hesitantly, his fingers aching to touch her. But this time she dint retreat, don't cringe away from him and he gently took her hand in his.

"Then why are you behaving like this?" she asked.

"Tanya?" she said and he sighed.

"I..I have been facing a little problem in one of the deal,our company, I, have been working on it for months, but Tanya and my father are causing problems.."

"How can she? She works with you?" there was a hint of accusation masking the jealously in her tone and he smiled.

"No, fortunately. But the company we have been trying to finalize a deal with is her brother's. She owns half of it and she's creating difficulties. She and my father..they know its my dream project..something I have been trying to get on floor for years. Since she is on the board of directors, they need her formal approval to finalize the deal. She thinks this way she can make me want her, and well you know my father. Its just another game to him.."

"So you're not cheating on me?" she asked, and a smile hinting on her lips, her eyes hopeful.

He chuckled and said "No, Ria never. I spent hours and hours in the office with her,but there were a dozen other people present too. Her brother, my team, lawyers.." but was interrupted when she flew in his lap, hugging him tightly.

"Good..because I cant bear to the think about you alone with her, or anybody else. It makes me crazy to even think about it.." and she rambled but Zian stopped breathing for a moment.

He seemed frozen at his spot and she moved away to look at him, smiling as she comprehended his expression. She moved her face close to his, their lips almost touching as she whispered.

"I love you." she whispered kissing him softly.

A moment later Zian shook himself out of whatever trance he was caught in. He pushed her back on the bed, hovering above her as his eyes shined with joy. The soft light of the lamp making his eyes glitter.

"I love you." kiss "I love you." another kiss "I love you so so so much." he said and then  he moved back looking at her smiling as he couldn't contain his joy, his biceps bulging as he balanced himself on top of her.

" Have loved you from the moment I saw you at the party.." he said but she interrupted him,

"What party?" she said, surprise lacing her voice.

"The party at the Khanna Mansion, you were there..wearing a white dress, looking like an angel. But you were so young, so innocent. I tried to stay away, moved away, tried to forget you but you were always on my mind."

She smiled widely as she looked at him "But I never saw you..the first time I met you was in the hospital, where you kissed me after announcing you were the great Mr. Zian Raizada. You know how freaky that was.. A total stranger kissing me and that too minutes after meeting. I should have slapped you.. or called the security.." she teased "seriously what were you thinking?" she asked.

"I wasn't.. The person I have been dreaming about since years, I was biding my time but then there you front of me. I just couldn't control myself. It was an impulse..a totally out of character moment. You cant imagine how terrible I felt taking advantage of you at that vulnerable moment."

"Don't beat yourself over it now. Its all in the past now. I love you." she murmured softly.

Ria raised her arms, her hands softly playing with his hair. She looked in amazement as the tension eased from his body, the shadows beneath his eyes disappear making him look years younger..and so much happier.

"You really mean it?" he asked her then, hesitant as his eyes begged her to confirm again. She never wanted him to feel that hesitant over their love.

"I love you. Forever."

"Well that's good..because I'm forever yours.."

And then he proceeded to show her exactly that.


Epilogue coming out soon..

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