Chapter 9

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Zain woke up with his wife half on top of him, her head resting on his chest and her small hands clutching his t shirt. His Blackberry was beeping furiously so he carefully disentangled himself and padded softly to the living room

After sending a few messages, he peeked inside the room to get a glimpse of his wife who was now cuddling his pillow and sleeping like a baby. He took out a fresh set of clothes and went to take a bath.

 And then he attended the important phone calls, fixed meetings and did 2 video conferences and after such  a busy morning Zain went back to the room to find Ria in his fresh clothes, combing her wet hair.

He carefully moved back, feeling like a stalker as he gazed on the beautiful angel in front of him.

The scent of roses and a lingering scent of her perfume invaded the air causing the hair on his arms and neck rise pleasurably.

"Hello." he walked in casually, his vice deliberately calm.

"Hey... I ordered a few things to eat.. Can-can I go back home now?"

Zain's head jerked back as he looked at her with curious yet a little cold eyes.

"Why?" his voice and his eyes were shooting daggers at the bed post he was glaring. Ria was surprised that it dint burst into flames.

"I-I need my clothes." Ria swore he felt his body relax as the words got out of her mouth.

"My secretary is arranging for a new wardrobe. We will have lunch-brunch now and I thought it would be better to inform you now that we have a dinner plans with a few friends of mine."

"Kate, Ryan and the guys?" Ria smiled at the thought.

"Uh no,my other  friends.More of business associates and they want to meet us.The dresses will arrive in by 2, so you can decide then."


They ate their lunch or brunch silently, the atmosphere awkward and tense. Whatever closeness she felt to her husband yesterday was gone today. Today Zain looked every bit of the successful and sophisticated businessman while she felt like a disheveled, rumpled girl. She played with the hem of his shirt, which she was wearing nervously and tugging it. The fact that he was observing her every move,looking at her with those intense.hooded eyes dint help at all.

The clothes, as told by Mr. Arrogant arrived at 1:58 and Ria thankfully got something t distract her, and keep her away from Zain for some time. Whenever he was near she was skittish and fluttery and hated it.

But no, her hightly mighty husband was having none of it. He made her try each and every one of those 15 carefully wrapped dresses, making her match the jewellery, shoes and bag , then making her walk up to the half the room where he sat and then rejected the dress. The fact that he sat there looking so intensely handsome with his hair tousled ,he top buttons of his shirt open giving a view to the tanned skin and his shirt sleeves rolled wonder she stumbled a lot in the high heels covering the short distance and avoided eye contact with him.

Right now they were on their 12th one, one which made Ria really conscious. It was a black fitted dress which ended above her knees and clung to her body like a second skin, the sleeves net. The back was bare, and she shivered as the cool air hit her. She wore the golden black pumps and stumbled out of the dressing room. The previous dresses were a little more modest and less revealing than this one.

Zian's eyes widened as he took in her appearance, his eyes lingering unnaturally long on her, (longer than he stared at those 11 dresses) and it made her squirm under his stare.

Forever Yours (Forever Series Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon