Biting her lips, she takes a deep breath and opens the book that rests on her lap, caressing the edges of the book, the proof that everything she witnessed had truly happened and not an illusion that wanted to play with her head.

She has cast a spell around her room, so then no one will be able to come inside, closing her eyes, she begins to summon Lady Byrl alter spirit and reading into the past once again.

Twenty-six years ago

Byrl ran through the thick forest, feeling the wind coming her way, but she chose to ignore it, she wanted to be by his side as soon as possible, feeling his touch and witnessing his warm smile.

Arax stood near Eyions lake while looking up at the stars, the moment he heard her footstep, he turned around and greeted her with the widest smile he could afford, Byrl giggled at that and ran to his arm immediately, kissing his cheek.

"I miss you," she said, whispering into Arax's ear, while Arax breathed in the scent of his loved one. The person he comes to love after time passes by, now she is someone he can't bear to leave, never. "I promise, when I turn twenty-three, I will reject her. No one will be able to separate us," he whispered into her neck, Byrl just nodded, too afraid of the future to answer.

Byrl and Arax always sneak into the forest around midnight, spending time together until morning, sneaking back into the palace before they get checked by the servant. Byrl always uses her power to make sure no one follows the two of them or to get back before anyone ever wakes up, that is why everyone inside the palace never thought the two have fallen deeply for each other.

Even willing to risk their life.

Deep down, Byrl was always filled with thoughts that haunted her mind, the idea that Arax will someday run into another woman's embrace or the time when he will turn cold against her. The throne is the one that Arax wanted, he is an ambitious man who has a clear mind of the kind of King he wanted to become, so the thought that Arax will leave her in order to obtain the throne, fear her so much that it pains her.

But she lives.

She lives through it all, enjoying the moment she has with Arax, gathering all the little memories she makes with the man she loves, satisfied she can have him on her arm, at that time.

Until that night.

When his wolf came rushing to her room.

• • ⊱∘────·❅·────∘⊰ • •

"-Ryn? Elleryn?"

Elleryn opens her eyes, finding herself inside her own bedroom, the knocking sound of her doors could be heard and the soft voice of Deair calling her name becoming eager by seconds. Elleryn takes a deep breath before she breaks off the spell that covers her room, allowing Deair to get into her room. The girl opens the door, looking around the room with a confused expression, before her eyes land on Elleryn's and smiling at her.

"How did you get inside? I still have a few days before my punishment is lifted," Elleryn asked, tilting her head. Deair shrug, she takes a few steps into the room and sits herself on one of the couches.

"I didn't find anyone in front of your door, so I knocked a few times and called your name, but you didn't answer for a while until now," her tone turned a little suspicious at the end, but she didn't dare to ask.

Elleryn nodded at that and stood up, about to serve tea for the princess, but Deair quickly refused.

"Thank you, but I've just finished my lunch. And I have to go somewhere in a minute," Deair said, Elleryn turned around and faced Deair with a questioning look.

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