The History (1)

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There's an actual reason why each Daughter of Qye had to spend the rest of their life inside Suttern and protect the Kingdom.

And it's not only because Qye needs protection.

Or because Qye didn't want to be involved in a war.

It was fear.

The sole reason Suttern needed to proceed with the deal. Not because they fear Qye will be the one to attack Suttern, they fear the possibilities that their enemy would someday gain the knowledge of the power Qye possessed and decided to use it against them. Werewolves are widely known as the enemy of most creatures, there was never any good history between Werewolf and other creatures.

It's been almost a thousand years since the war that had claimed Tioddre Castle, the one where since then Suttern has changed its name into Suttern Castle.

A long time ago, a Royal Hybrid by the name of Wylard has stated he will not continue the legacy of his empire and anyone who wishes to claim the land and castle should come forward.

The one who did was a Werewolf Family called Suttern and a Vampire Family by the name of Grioyt, one of them was Valon Grioyt.

As cunning as Vampire can be, The Grioyt made a deal with witches, mermaids, dragons, as well as other creatures to side with them and claim Tioddre. However, Wylard had thought it was a cowardice act against Suttern and he decided to help Suttern against Grioyt, defeating them within three days and making it possible for Suttern to claim the then Tioddre Castle.

No one had ever heard of the Grioyt Family after that, some say they decided to go into hiding, others speculated they have decided to end their life with the help of witches. There were also rumors stated they are planning to attack the Suttern, trying to gather people and resources to go against the Kingdom.

Claiming back something that could've been theirs

The mere thought that someday Grioyt could come across Qye was enough to make the first King shivered in fear, It chills him to the bone and haunts his night. The Councils were called upon as soon as possible, they had to come up with a deal that Qye will never reject, but at the same time has the capability to keep the strongest one within their claws.

And marriage was the only thing that could come to their mind.

There were a few people rejecting the idea, but that was the only way The Councils could come up with. Considering the strongest one among Qye would always be the first daughter in the family and the Crown Prince of Suttern will always be the one to continue the legacy of Suttern Kingdom.

It was a deal that was made only within a week.

Suttern was forcing them to agree or else the only way for Qye to reject was war.

Which would be contrary to every belief, identity and rules, they had obeyed so far.

So Qye could only do one thing, sacrifice.

Lord Valon lived throughout those years, believing that those marriages were merely a political movement that needed between Qye and Suttern. But after almost a thousand years living, witnessing, and watching everything, he knows something was up.

Something is definitely different.

That girl, the First Daughter of Qye is different.

Why else would the marriage be a necessary thing between the two? Knowing well that a werewolf couldn't reject their mate and Qye wouldn't allow having a child of the Suttern.

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