The agent then took a gun from his pocket and shot Catty and Athena with his gun, luckily, they both had the strength to jump out of the jet, leaving me and the man alone. Just before the bombs around the man could explode, I jumped out where Catty and Athena jumped before. However, the impact of the explosion threw the three of us straight to the tower. My foot was left wounded by a piece of glass. I had a glass shard plugged in my hidden vest which is covered with my magic. My mother taught me magic back when I was a child, or more like... gave me magic. Either way, I was awoken from my unconsciousness by Athena shaking me awake, and here I am, sitting on the floor while leaning on the wall with Athena and Catty beside me.


I stood up from the wall I sat from and sent everyone a smile, internally telling them that I was completely fine. The girls and I walked towards the flabbergasted group. Nat, Clint and Tony suddenly ran towards us and started attacking us with hugs. "Don't you guys ever do that again! We were worried to death!" Clint exclaimed, letting go of Catty and giving me a playful death glare. I chuckled and winked at him while Athena and Catty just smiled. "We aren't kidding. You have no idea how Steve started panicking." Nat said, her usual monotonous voice giving a slight concerned tone.

"You guys..... are not cool." Tony remarked, still not letting go of me, holding me tight. All of us faked frowned, not liking Tony's blunt revelation. "You guys are awesome!" The other avengers gave Tony death glares while the two of the girls hugged him back, I hugged him tighter. "What? It's true!" Tony said.

We all bursted to laughter, happy that no one was badly hurt. When the hug was let go and all of them sat down, Steve stood up and hugged all of us one by one. "I'm just happy that you guys are fine." The team smiled, all of us knew how Steve could be very overprotective and turn to dad mode in any minute. "You guys, were not going to die in a mere mortals hand." I jested, trying to lift everyone's moods up again.

I was surprised to hear a deep chuckle. I looked at the mini bar and saw a raven haired man looking at me with a huge grin. I also saw a long-haired blond man beside him, staring at Athena intensely. "Athena, don't you think they look a bit too familiar?" I whispered. Athena nodded in agreement, glancing at the blonde man. "I agree with you sister. I think we saw them once." Catty just shrugged it off, not acknowledging both males.

"Girls, I want you too meet..." Before Tony could finish his sentence, the blond man cut him off and started his own. "Tony, we can introduce ourselves." The male walked towards Athena and took her hand to kiss it as a gentleman's gesture. "My Lady, I am Thor of Asgard. May I ask what thy name is?" Athena's eyes widened, not believing what her ears perceived. She looked at me, mouth agape like my own.

My thoughts switched to the raven-haired male, knowing the chances of him being my childhood friend are endless. The other male draw nearer and introduced himself as well. "I am Loki, Of Asgard." I gulped and tried to keep my breath as stable as possible. "This... is... unbelievable..." I whispered to myself, not taking my eyes off Loki. Athena cleared her throat, realizing that the two friends of ours did not recognize us yet.

"I am Athena, of Valhiem. This is my sister, [Y/n]. I think we have met before." Athena said, crossing her arms and hiding her smirk. Thor's eyes widened, finally registering the familiar face. "Lady Athena! Oh how I've missed you!" Thor yelled, hugging Athena tightly. Loki kept staring at me with a blank expression. I decided to return the gesture to make it less awkward. Loki and I remained quiet, it was as if we didn't know each other at all. I shrugged it off and walked to the kitchen, taking a glass of water to drink before coming back to the living room. Athena and Thor was now sitting and talking about each other. Catty was napping on Steve's lap smiling.

I drank the glass of water and sat beside Natasha, wanting nothing but to rest the night out. "Girls, I forgot to mention earlier, this was the God that tried to destroy New York. Loki Laufeyson." Nat explained. My eyes widened amd I almost choked on my water. "Impossible. The sweet, adorable and shy Loki, destroy earth? What?!" Loki chuckled and smirked at my reaction. "You mortals are so.... weak. If it wasn't for you Avengers my plan could've worked." I felt a pang of pain on my chest. I wanted to cry right there and then, I wanted to let the heaviness out, but I had to be strong.

"So.... changed huh?" Tony asked, looking at Thor who didn't even hear him. Thor was too busy coping up with Athena. Athena noticed this and looked at me, giving me a shrug which caused me to giggle.  "What are you laughing at mortals?" Loki asked, seeming annoyed ta out sudden joy. I looked at him and rolled my eyes with a huff joining. "For your information Mr. Laufeyson, We are no mortals." His smirk disappeared followed by a low growl that emitted from his throat.

"Why is his last name Laufeyson anyways?" I thought he was an Odinson." Athena asked, wanting to know the sudden change of surname. "I am not Odin's son! I am a Frost giant, left to die! I was a monster... I was once a monster..." Loki answered, standing up in the process. "I will try to change for my brothe......Thor. It's the only way for me to avoid rotting in that pesky cage back on Asgard." He added and sat back down. I felt heartbroken, figuring out why he changed.

It became silent for a minute, the awkwardness inside the room thickening. "Well guys, I'm going to my room now. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." I volunteered, breaking the silence before I started walking to my room which has a small black-colored bed and a small room. I only had a small chair and table.

When I closed the door, I broke into silent tears. My sobs were going out fast, uncontrollable. It was slowly getting hard to breath. "He didn't even remember me..." I stopped sobbing and washed my face in my bathroom which was also pretty small. I brushed my teeth and washed it before laying on my bed. I sighed and closed my eyes, wanting to rest for the night.

Guess I'll just adjust with the new Loki then....

♠Hey guys!!! It's meeeeeee. (Lol) Did you like this chapter? Please feel free to like and comment below. See you in the next chapter. Byerzzzzzzzzzz ♠

EDITED: 9-20-2018

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