I didn't even think he'd think about my parents, "Thank you." I whispered kissing him.

"I'll go get the pictures, and you will be free to go." Dr. Mettio informed us before leaving.

"I thought you wouldn't care about my parents." I said, sitting up.

"It's their grand baby too." He said.

I wrapped my arms around him, I loved these moments when he was really sweet like this.

Dr. Mettio came back with the pictures and we left.

"Can we go visit you're dad?" I asked, looking at the black and white picture of our baby boy as I leaned on Enzo.

"Of course, do you want call your parents?" He asked, "We can mail the picture tomorrow."

I nodded. I knew Enzo wouldn't let me see my parents until the baby was born. I wasn't so sure why I wasn't allowed to see them, maybe because he was afraid that I would leave him for them if I got the chance. Which I wouldn't leave him, not anymore.

Enzo handed me his phone and I dialed their number. It took a while for them to answer, probably skeptical about an unknown number, but they answered none the less.

"Hello?" My dad answered.

"Dad, it's me, Liam."

"Oh," he sounded happuer now and I heard him call my mom over, "How are you doing?"

"Good, great actually." I smiled, "We had a doctors appointment today and we found out the gender of the baby."

"Is it a girl?" I heard my mom ask.

"We're having a baby boy." I said.

I heard my dad cheer faintly and my mom start to cry, "Oh that's great, did you get a picture?" My mom asked.

"Yes, I'm going to mail it to you tomorrow."

"Thank you, sweetie." My mom said before I heard a sniffle.

"Your welcome, I love you." I said.

"We love you too." My dad said.

It didn't take long to get to Osvaldo's house apparently becuase we were already there.

"I have to go now. I'll talk to you later." I said.

"Alright, stay safe, Liam, you have presious cargo." My dad said.

I laughed, "I will, dad. Goodbye."

"Goodbye." He said and hung up.

I looked back at Enzo and handed him his phone.

We got out of the car and walked up to the door. It wasn't the first time we had come here. I had actually been here the week before because, Enzo had to do something but didn't want me to be left alone at the house, even if his men were there.

I held the picture in my hands as Enzo knocked.

I was surprised when Niccolo answered the door, "What are you two doing here?"

Enzo sighed and rolled his eyes, "I hope you don't have one of your little flings here. Where's dad?"

It was Niccolo's turn to sigh, "He'll be home in an hour and if you wait in the library, she'll be gone in a few minutes."

"Thank you." Enzo smiled walking in, pulling me with him.

"We could have just waited," I whispered, feeling like I was invading.

"He wouldn't be in this situation if he'd just move out. His record is clean and he can get a job anywhere he wants or just get our father to by him a house, far far away."

I smiled, "You like your brother, don't deny it. You would miss him if he moved away."

Enzo looked at me like I was crazy, "I think I could live if Niccolo wasn't everywhere our father was."

We walked into the library which was similar to the one at our house, the piano we used to have, now the center piece in the library.

As we walked in I heard a faint yelling, most likely from the girl.

"Play me something." I smiled, sitting down on the couch in the library.

I had been teaching Enzo a song on the piano, tired of it always being me who played.

"Let see how much I remember." He smiled and sat down at the bench.

Slowly but surely he began to play Für Elise by Beethoven. It was choppy and he could only play one hand, but it made me smile.

I got up and walked over to him, placing a kiss on his neck as he finished.

"Play the left hand, for me." He said and pulled me onto the bench beside him.

I laughed and agreeed.

He began to play, still choppy but an improvement. I played the left and and pressed the pedal, completing the song.

"Enzo? Since when did you learn how to play?" I heard Niccolo ask as he walked in.

We turned to see Niccolo and Enzo wrapped an arm around me, "Liam has been teaching me."

"Doesn't sound so bad. You must be a pretty good teacher, Liam." He smiled sitting down on the couch.

"He is." Enzo smiled kissing my cheek before getting up to go sit with his brother.

"It's your turn to play me something nice." He smirked before sitting down.

So I turned around and did just that. And continued to play until Osvaldo got home and found us in the library.

"How long were you waiting?" He asked as he sat down by his sons.

"No long." I answered.

"Do you have any news?" He asked.

Enzo smiled, "We're having a baby boy."

Osvaldo smiled and Niccolo frowned, "Really? I wanted a niece."

"Niccolo." Enzo scolded but I just laughed.

"Are you sure it's a boy?" Niccolo asked and Enzo smacked him.

"Do you have a picture?" Osvaldo asked, ignoring his youngest son.

I then remembered the photo in my lap. I got up and handed the photo to him. He smiled as he examined the grainy black and white photo of his developing grandson.

"Damn, it really is a boy." Niccolo said after looking at the picture over his fathers shoulder.

I smiled and rolled my eyes at Niccolo as Enzo pulled me into his lap.

"Thank you for coming here to share this with me." Osvaldo smiled, "How are you doing and how is the baby doing?"

"Great, actually. Dr. Mettio assured us that everything was fine. Our baby is healthy and growing normally, which is reassuring considering the circumstances and what happened before." I answered, resting my head on Enzo's shoulder.

"That's good to hear." He smiled, looking back down at the picture. Though he had a hard time if showing it, I new he was excited and happy to be getting a grand child.

He invited us to stay for dinner, which we did, then headed home.

I took the time to write my parents a letter with the picture that I would be sending the next day then went to bed with Enzo.

His arms snaked around me as we laid down, like he usually does, his hands resting on my stomach.

His kissed my neck, "Goodnight, love."

I smiled, "Goodnight."

I'm pretty sure I end every chapter with them going to sleep but whatever.

I'm sorry I did a time skip I hate doing it but I ran out of ideas and figured I might as well reveal the gender of the baby, which almost all of you lovely readers chose.

I hope you enjoyed!


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