She looked around and saw Harry and Cho talking and laughing and flirting, both happy.

She wished she could be happy.

A couple more minutes passed and then Harry stood in front of everyone and dismissed them for Christmas break.

Isabel sat and watched as everyone left, she was waiting for Harry. She then noticed Harry was watching Cho, waiting for her.

Isabel felt angry out of jealousy and stormed out of the room and went to the common room.

When she got there, Ron and Hermione were talking on the couch.

Ron waved hi to Isabel.

She half smiled back. She curled up on a small armchair next to the couch Ron and Hermione were on. She laid there for a while thinking to herself.


Harry walked into the common room and sat in front of the fireplace in front of the three.

"Did you kiss her?" Hermione asked. Harry nodded.

Isabel's heart plummeted.

"Well, how was it?" Ron asked.

"Wet," Harry answered, "I mean she was sort of crying,"

"That bad at it are you?" Ron chuckled.

"I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory," Hermione said, "Cho spends half her time crying these days,"

"You would think a bit of snogging would cheer her up," Ron joked. Isabel rolled her eyes.

"Don't you understand how she must be feeling? She's obviously feeling sad about Cedric, therefore, confused about liking Harry, and guilty about kissing him, conflicted because Umbridge is threatening to sack her mom at the ministry, and frightened about failing her OWLS because she's too busy worrying about everything else." Hermione said. Isabel nodded.

"One person couldn't feel all that, they'd explode," Ron said.

Isabel felt like she is going to explode with everything she's dealing with.

"Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon," Hermione said.

Ron then chuckled and Hermione burst out laughing as Harry smiled at the two.

Isabel felt invisible to them.


It was late at night, or very early in the morning. Regardless, it was very dark outside and Isabel couldn't sleep. She had been rolling around in bed all night.

She finally has up and threw on some shoes and a sweater over her sweatpants and tank top.

She grabbed her sketchbook and walked quietly into the common room. She turned on a light, sat on the couch and started drawing.

Something felt off and ominous.

About and hour later, she heard noises coming from the boy's dormitory.

She ignored it and continued drawing.

She was completely exhausted. She hasn't been sleeping much at all the past week. She felt alone, even though she was surrounded by people most of the day.

She then heard more noise and stumbling down the stairs to the common room.

She looked towards the boy's dormitory.

It was Harry and Ron.

Isabel shot up from the couch.

Harry was hyperventilating and Ron was helping him walk.

"We have to get to McGonogall, help me would you?" Ron said quickly.

Isabel nodded and ran to Harry's side.

She put his arm around her shoulder and helped carry him.

She let Ron do most of the work.

Harry kept breathing heavily and staring ahead of him, obviously thinking, in shock.

"Ron, what happened?" Isabel asked nervously, examining Harry's face.

"He had a dream vision thing I guess. It's bad. That's all I know." Ron answered.

"Stay here," Ron said, helping Harry sit on a bench. He then ran off to find McGonagall.

Harry kept hyperventilating.

"Deep breaths, it will be okay," Isabel said.

Harry looked at her, and his breathing slowed a bit.

She breathed in sync with him to help calm him down.

Ron came running back with a frazzled looking McGonogall.

"Up, up, both of you, to Dumbledore's office." She said.

Isabel jumped up and Harry got up, Ron helping him.

Harry, being that he is hyperventilating, was very lightheaded.

He grabbed Isabel's hand to help regain his balance as they walked.

Isabel thought that when he regained his balance he would let go.

But he didn't.

Instead, as they walked, he laced their fingers together.

Isabel knew it was to comfort him and calm him down, but she couldn't help but get butterflies.

No, you do not like Harry. You're Isabel Lyston, the lame girl that nobody likes. He's Harry Potter, the boy who lived. You can't like him. A boy like him would never like a girl like you. She thought.

They finally arrived in Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore quickly prompted Harry to tell him his dream.

A bunch of people were watching closely and Harry stood in the middle, his hand still tightly holding onto Isabel's as if it was his only bit of sanity.

"We're you standing next to the victim or looking down on the scene?" Dumbledore asked, his back to Harry.

The room was silent. You could only hear Harry's heavy breathing.

"Neither, it was like I was... Professor will you please just tell me what's happening?" Harry asked nervously.

Harry continued to try to get Dumbledore's attention as he ignored him and told paintings what to do.

Mr. Weasley was attacked and the Weasley kids were going to be sent home.

Dumbledore still ignored Harry.

Harry seemed to snap, "Look at me!" He yelled.

Dumbledore looked at him. Everyone was silent. Isabel was afraid, she hates to see Harry or anyone angry. He still held her hand firmly. She gently stroked his hand with her thumb to calm him down.

"What's happening to me?" Harry asked quietly, his breathing still rapid.

Snape then entered the room.

He and Dumbledore spoke and quickly, Snape whisked Harry away from them.

Isabel felt the coldness of the air clearly when Harry left and the warmth of his hand on hers was no longer there.

"He is going to learn Occlumency to help defend himself against the Dark Lord," Dumbledore informed the few confused looking people who were left. "I think it best that everyone returns to their dorms and gets some rest."


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