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After we rescued Ella, I went back to the hospital. Ella had wounds as well, and we were put in the same room. Harry and the boys all visited a lot. My parent came down to see us and they met the boys. Luckily, mum and dad loved Harry. My mum was especially excited to meet Louis, and they really hit it off.

According to Harry and the boys, Madeline and Daisy and Mick had been arrested. Surprisingly, so had Martha, our friendly elderly housekeeper in the hotel! They were questioning her about releasing information about Ella and I to Daisy.

It was a dark night and the stars shone brightly, and I decided to go out. I had a plan. The trouble was, the doctors might not let me out. So I would have to sneak out.

Ella was sound asleep. The nurse had just checked on us and gone wherever nurses go. Harry and the boys had just left to their hotel next to the hospital. I grabbed my bag and wallet and quickly put on my jeans, grey tank top, black hoodie, and my favourite beanie- you guessed it, the very beanie Harry threw off the stage that fateful night. I struggled to get on my converse. After five minutes of pulling and pushing, I was ready. I grabbed my crutches and hobbled over to the door.

I pushed open the door and slowly walked outside. The moonlight shone through the windows and the floor glinted and reflected it. I crept through a corridor, past the doors to where other unfortunate people where sleeping. I was in the lobby now. I knew what I needed to do. I needed to act confident- like you're supposed to be doing what you're doing. The problem was that I was a celebrity now, and the whole hospital knew me. I made sure no one saw my face and I walked calmly to the exit.

I felt a blast of wind as I walked out of the revolving doors. My legs were still painful and I tried to lean on my crutches as much as possible. I walked down the road. Luckily there were no paparazzi there and I could walk freely down the street.

Five minutes later, I arrived at my destination. Time for my evil plan to take form. (Cue evil laugh.)

The door jingled as I walked into the tattoo parlour. A strong smell of vanilla and lemon hit me, which was surprisingly pleasant. A smiling woman who looked about 30 greeted me, her skin almost completely covered by tattoos. I prayed she didn't recognise me.

"Hey, I'm Mariana, how can I help yo- wait! You're the girl! On TV! Oh my god, you're Harry Styles' girlfriend! Oh my god!" she shrieked. Ugh. Of course she'd recognise me.

"Yeah, but look, I'm not supposed to be here, so could you maybe not tell anyone?" I requested. She looked saddened.

"You can tell people eventually, I mean, like tomorrow. But not now." I finished. Her face brightened considerably.

"So what do you want? Did you know, I actually did one of Harry's tattoos? Do you have any tattoos? Oh my god, are you getting one of Harry's name or something? Oh, that would be lovely! Oh, people are going to be so jealous! Would you mind if I got your autograph? Sorry, that's so unprofessional of me. I'm a professional, you know. I've done lots of celebrities before. I'm quite good..." she rambled on. Her voice had a hint of an Italian accent.

"Actually, I was thinking of getting, like, a silhouette. Of Harry and I. With the sunset behind us."

"Aw! That's so adorable!" Mariana gushed.

"But.. do you think he'd mind?" I asked. What if he decided he didn't want his face on me forever?

"No, he wouldn't! It's perfect, because I actually did one of his tattoos. Where do you want it?" Mariana said reassuringly. I was so glad she did Harry's tattoo- it was going to be perfect.

"On my upper arm."

"Okay, cool. So what colour do you want the sunset?"

I walked out of the tattoo parlour feeling weirdly proud. I was so distracted with my aching, beautiful, arm that I didn't notice a car until it was obviously following me.

My heart started to race. I didn't dare turn around. I felt the headlights on my back and the engine behind me. I hobbled along on my crutches as fast as I could. An alley was coming up and I quickly turned down it. I glanced back and to my horror the car had parked. A figure was opening the door. They slammed it shut, the engine still running. They walked calmly towards me.


Oh- wait, no. It wasn't her at all. It was a guy.. Harry! Shit, shit shit shit shit. I sighed. He could outrun me on a normal day, and I was on crutches.

I turned around.

Harry walked towards me, and I was surprised to see a grin on his face.

"Hey, Zera. Whatcha doing?" I shrugged.

"Oh, ya know, the usual. Midnight walks. Whatever." I was suppressing a laugh.

"Sure. What was it really? And how the fuck did you get out of the hospital?" Harry said, laughing. I was surprised he wasn't angry.

"Um, please don't be mad." His face turned to concern. "It's not bad," I said hurriedly. "I, um, I had something I had to do."

"What?" he said impatiently, but he was smiling.

"I got a tattoo," I blurted. He looked shocked and then pleased.

"Hey, that's cool! What did you get?" he asked, and then his eyes flickered to my arm, where I had rolled up my sleeve. It showed him and my face as silhouettes.

"Is that- is that us? A silhouette of us?" he said in a small voice. I nodded, afraid he was mad.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have done it. I understand if you're mad, I mean, you probably don't want to be on my arm forever..."

"No! I love it! I- I really love it. It means so much to me. I mean, it's beautiful. I love it. I love you."

I loved him too. More than I ever let on.

"I love you too."

It was a calm night, and their were no paparazzi snapping photos in my face. His green eyes stared into mine and he spoke.

"Zera? This is gonna sound crazy, but- um, do ya wanna be my girlfriend?" He blushed.



"No! I hate you!" I said smiling. I watched as his face went from shock to hurt and I started laughing.

"Of course I do, Harry Edward Styles. I was kidding!" I said. He grinned.

"God, Zera. You like messing with me."

I don't know why, but I felt suddenly so happy. This was Harry Styles. I was Zera Smith. He just asked me to be his girlfriend. Life couldn't get any better.

"Can I kiss you now?" he asked. I smiled and pressed my lips to his.


We sat in the alley on a bench for a while. I was just happy to be with him, and there were no paparazzi to ruin the moment.

Way to jinx it, Zera.

Harry's arm was around me protectively as we walked out the alley towards the car, a flash burned my eyes. I looked to my right and a few paparazzi walking hurriedly towards us.

"Ignore them. Let's get in the car," Harry murmured into my ear. I nodded and we walked towards the car. Harry held the door open for me. I slid into the passenger seat and Harry got into the driver seat. He started the engine and we drove off quickly. By now, more and more people were gathered around us and some cars were following us.

"Shit! They found us. Should we go back to my hotel?" he asked. "I should probably take you back to the hospital, but you seem fine and honestly, I don't want to." He grinned.

"Me neither."

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