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I sat on the hard concrete waiting for Daisy to come in and kill me. I checked my watch. 1:30 am. The little hand taunted me. The minutes were ticking by. Soon, I thought. Soon this would all be over. At least my dream had come true. I rocked back and forth, staring at a spider on the floor, only thinking of Zera. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard loud footsteps trotting down the stairs. A pair of white converses came into view. I knew who they belonged to. Daisy. I gave them to her for her birthday. She had some nerve to wear them in front of me. I stood up and waited for her to pull gun out and shoot me. When she arrived at the cage door, I stuck my chin up in confidence.

"Shoot me," I growled. Daisy gave me a look of confusion.

"And why would I do that?" She asked.

"Isn't that what you want. You want us dead. You've already killed Zera. Now finish your job," I snarled. Daisy started cackling.

"You think I killed her? I just shot her in the leg," A wave of relief came over me, but I was so confused.

"Why would I kill you when I can torture you and make your life miserable like you had made mine," She said as if it were the most obvious thing in the whole world. She unlocked the door and then every thing went blurry. Then the world disappeared.


I lay in bed for several hours only thinking of Ella. How when I first saw her. The most amazing smile and the most beautiful eyes and face I had ever seen in my whole life.

Louis had tried to talk some 'sense' into me, but I knew the deal. She ran away in fear. People were always trying to find out my secrets and use me.

I felt hungry and walked to the kitchen. All the lights were off because it was early in the morning. I turned them on and groggily walked to the fridge. The light shone brightly an revealed the one thing that could never let me down. Food. I grabbed a bottle of water and some chips and headed back towards my room.

I accidentally took the wrong turn though and ended up in Ella's room. I noticed a light coming from an object. Ella's phone. I quickly walked over and unlocked it. I had put my finger scan on it just in case any more threatening messages came. I started looking through the only chat she had and I immediately dropped my food. A girl called Daisy had sent some stuff that didn't look friendly. I scanned through them and realised she was one of Ella's attackers on the day of the concert. My hands were trembling and I froze when I came upon a message:

Bitch, you're all over TV. Girl who was attacked. How sad. Guess what? I'm famous too. Only, the titles say: Girl thrown out of concert and arrested for attacking a girl over a hat. Haha, good for me. Look, you have probably forgotten all about me, hanging out with your new boyfriend Niall Horan. But I haven't forgotten you. And you're gonna pay for this.

I was awe struck. Ella hadn't betrayed me. I suddenly remembered that her phone was connected to her watch and I could see where she was. I clicked on watch and it came up clearly. She was in the old abandoned bed factory. I suddenly knew what I had to do. I sent a message to Zera(knowing that they would be together.

Zera, it's Niall. I'm coming to get you. I know what happened. Stay there.


That should do it. I ran out of the room and straight to Harry. I had a lot of explaining to do.


I was lying in the room, my leg slowly draining the life out of me, when the door swung open and Daisy stormed in.  Her normally dainty features were twisted with rage and she had two black eyes. Her brown hair was messed up in a pony tail.

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