
22 1 0

Zera's POV
I had been lying in bed, staring at the wall where my pictures were for at least an hour. I should probably go to sleep- according to my phone it was 2:00 am. Shit.
"Ella?" I whispered.
No answer. I got up and crept/hopped over to where she was lying. Yeah, she was definitely asleep. Sighing, I went over to the window and opened the curtains. There were a bunch of teenagers outside probably looking for One Direction or something. I pulled open the window, even though there was no net and we were at least four stories high. The windowsill was just the right size for me to sit on and pretend I was in a dramatic scene in a movie.
The air was cool and contrasting to the stuffy air inside. I could see the lights of the city really well so I got out my Polaroid camera and took a photo. It came out really well and I stuck it on my wall.
I realised I was tired so I crawled back into bed and

The light poured through the open window and I heard Ella grumbling.
"You left the window open?" she complained.
"Sorry! I forgot. I'm gonna have a shower," I said.
I stumbled out of bed and grabbed a towel. I turned on the water and stepped in, the water cleaning off all my scratches.
I got out and put the bandage around my ankle again. I quickly dressed in a white t shirt and shorts that they had provided and put my golden brown hair up in a ponytail. I had no makeup on and I felt bare.
I walked out and nearly had a heart attack.

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