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"So, what do you want to do today? No more tours, eh?" Niall said.

"Let's meet some fans," Liam said.

"But if they give Zera or Ella hate-" Niall said.

"-We'll leave," finished Liam. We all nodded.

"Okay, I'll tell the manager. Surprise visit from One Direction to the fans. We'll leave in ten," Louis walked away. Harry looked at me and Ella.

"You girls want to come?" He asked.
I looked at Ella.

"Um, sure. How exactly are you going to meet them?" she asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we'll just go on the streets and say hi, sign some autographs."

"Okay. Cool. Let's go get ready." Ella and I walked into our room. It was spotless, unlike how we left it. Thanks, Martha.

"Holy shit! Ella, what just happened?" I whispered as soon as we were in the room. She collapsed onto her bed.

"No idea. I can't believe Harry made a move," she said, but she sounded bitter.

"Ella? What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just really like Niall. I guess I'm jealous."

"Well, I think he likes you. I mean come on, did you see his face when Louis mentioned shipping you two? He was blushing so much!" I assured her. She smiled.

"Do ya really think so?" she whispered. I nodded. "Anyway, we should get ready. Can you do my makeup?"

Fifteen minutes later Ella was wearing dark pink lipstick, nearly purple, and perfect eye makeup. I had my trademark red lipstick on, and I was wearing a simple yellow shirt, jeans and converse. My hair was in a plait through a white cap and I was wearing sunglasses to cover my face. Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, Ella and I walked out into the corridor.

Since we wanted to get out onto the streets before being mobbed, we took the lift down to the underground car park. There weren't any fans there. Harry opened the Bentley's door for me, and my heart fluttered.

There were too many people to fit in one car so Harry, Louis, a driver/ bodyguard and I took one car. Liam, Niall and Ella took the other one. Louis sat up the front of the car next to the driver. I got in the back and Harry climbed in next to me. I know I was sitting next to Harry Styles and all, but the car was so amazing. The leather seats, wooden steering wheel, the smoothness of the engine...

"Whatcha thinking about?" Harry interrupted my thoughts.

"Um, I was just thinking about how nice this car is, actually," I admitted. Harry grinned.

"Yeah, I love it. Do ya know what type it is?" he tested me.

"A Bentley Continental, right?" I asked, praying it was. Harry looked surprised.

"So you're a Directioner who loves Eminem, knows their shit about cars, and takes some pretty nice pictures with a Polaroid camera."
I blushed.

"How do you know about the Polaroid pictures?" It was his turn to blush.

"Well, they're by your bed. Um, and didn't you post a picture of them on Instagram?"
I nodded. Oh yeah. I posted a picture of my photos this morning. Right.
Hang on, wait. He went into my room to see the pictures?

"When did ya come into my room, Harry?"

"Well, uh, last night. Um, I thought I'd check on you at midnight, um, make sure no crazy fans had kidnapped you, or something. Not my idea, but um, sorry about that..."

"It was so your idea, Haz!" Louis twisted around in his seat. "You practically begged to check on 'em. Hey Louis, I think we should check on-" he imitated Harry.

"-shut the fu-" Harry tried to interrupt.

"-but they might be hurt-"

"-Sorry Zera, ignore him-"

"-I wanna see her again-"

"Fuck off, Louis!" Harry yelled. Louis was laughing and I couldn't help smiling. Louis' laugh was contagious.

"Hey, Mick, what happened to the girls who attacked Zera and Ella in the concert?" Louis asked the driver.

"The two girls who had the hats at the end had community service, and the others didn't get anything," Mick said in a gruff voice.

"Oh, ok, cool. Why didn't they track down the other girls who attacked them?"

"We didn't think it was necessary. I mean, at the end of the day, they're just fans," Mick said. Louis nodded.

The Last Tour - 1D- COMPLETEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن