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My name is Zera Alison Smith
And my name is Ella paige Rose. These are our stories.

Zera woke up before the sun with a smile on her face. In a neighbouring house Ella did the same.
Zera fumbled for her contact lenses and put them in. She reached for her iPhone and saw that her best friend Ella had already texted her.
Ella: AAAAAGH Zera u better b awake!!
Zera: duh. Concert today!!
E: sooo excited !!!
Z: do u think we will meet them!?
E: idk I hope so
Z: I'm coming round to ur house
E: cool😋
Today, Zera and Ella were going to see a One Direction concert. Due to popular demand the band had agreed to do one last world tour, performing all their biggest hits. This was their last concert ever, in London. They were going to drive to the concert in Ella's car. It was only a one hour drive.
Zera leapt out of bed and quickly brushed her teeth. She stood in front of her mirror and brushed her long wavy golden hair. Grabbing her makeup she put on the bare minimum- some mascara around her greenish brownish eyes and some lip gloss. She also grabbed her make up bag and hair and nails kit because she knew that Ella would want to make her as 'beautiful as possible' for the concert. Zera arrived at Ella' door. She knocked to the beat of WMYB. It was their special knock. Ella couldn't hear her because she was in the bathroom washing her hair and listening to 1D songs. Zera knocked A bit harder. Still no answer. She was getting frustrated, but she knew how to get in. Recently Ella had given Zera a copy of her house keys. Zera rushed back home and grabbed them. When she got back to Ella's house, she unlocked the door and crept in. She tiptoed upstairs and hid under Ella's bed. Five minutes passed and Zera got out her phone and put it on her desk propped up and started recording. Another five minutes passed and she began to get bored. Then Ella strolled in, wrapped in a towel, humming to One Thing. She sat on the bed and brushed her hair, her feet dangling off her bed. Zera smiled and grabbed her foot. Ella screamed and cursed every word she could think of. Then Zera started pulling her under the bed. Ella screamed and eventually yanked her foot away and looked under the bed. 
"Zera OMG I hate you so much you're such a bitch you scared me so much!!!" she yelled.
"I got it on camera!!" Zera laughed.
Then they started laughing and laughing until they were both rolling on the floor.
"Ok. I brought all the stuff we need: makeup, hair and nails kit and some of my clothes." Zera explained. Ella started rummaging through Zera's bag and spilled the contents onto the bed. "Ok. Ew,"she said.
"What?" Zera asked.
"You seriously want to wear some of  these clothes to the concert? In.front.of.one.direction??"
"Um, yeah! What's wrong with shorts?"
"Well. They have a hole in them. They aren't made of denim. They are too long. They-" Zera cut her off.
"They're nice!!"
Ella shook her head.
"You can wear some of my denim ones."
"Ok then," Zera knew Ella was the fashion queen here. "Is my t shirt ok?"
It was a crop t shirt with the words 1D on the front.
Ella smiled, "Perfect."

The Last Tour - 1D- COMPLETEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin