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xxx 2Bitches
The hospital room smelt of death. I tried not to imagine how many people died in here. Wow that's cheerful. I was observing my shitty phone. Was Niall joking when he said he would buy me a new one?
I was still very shocked that Zera and I were on the news. I was scared to go back to school because now we would be all anyone would ever talk about. I looked over and saw Zera looking at me.
"What?" I asked. She didn't say anything.
"Zera? Are you ok?" I said. It was only then that I realised that she was looking behind me. I turned around and almost screamed, because standing in front of me, were Harry and Niall, holding a bunch of flowers in their hands, with me and Zera's name on two envelopes.

Zera's POV
I saw realisation in Ella's eyes as she turned around. Niall and Harry were standing and the door to our hospital room. OUR HOSPITAL ROOM. ONE DIRECTION. I was so happy to see them I temporarily forgot about my embarrassment. I was lying in a bed wearing hospital clothes with medicines and creams all over my face.

I blushed as Harry's eyes wandered to me. I knew Niall was there but I could only see Harry. He smiled sheepishly and blushed a bit when he saw me looking at him. We were both blushing messes.
"Um. Well, hi Zera. Hi Ella. Sorry to intrude but we thought we should visit you," Harry stammered.
"Oh, that's okay, you're not intruding." I assured him. Niall walked over to Ella and started talking to her. Harry came over to my desk and I sat up awkwardly. He handed me the flowers. They were white and blue and smelt like- well, flowers, I guess. I smiled at him.
"Thanks. You didn't need to, you know," I say.
"I wanted to," Harry said, and I died inside. He was so sweet.
"I, um, also wrote you a card," he said, blushing. Again. He put it on the table next to my bed. Harry walked around to the chair next to it and sat down.

"Thank you... I don't know how to say this, but I feel like such a jerk. I mean I grabbed two hats that the whole stadium wanted, you can hardly blame them for getting angry," I admitted, mumbling. "And you're being so nice about it."
Harry laughed. I blushed. Why couldn't my skin stay the same colour? I felt like a fucking chameleon.
"Zera, you were going to give one hat to Ella anyway. Plus, you caught them fair and square."
I sighed. "I still feel bad."
He shook his head. "Don't. I have something to cheer you up." I was confused. Harry reached into his backpack and pulled out a yellow Polaroid camera.
"Oh my god. No, Harry. I can't accept that! It wasn't even your fault!" I cried even though secretly, or not so secretly, I was overjoyed.
"Have it. I know how you can pay me back." I had to pay him back? I guessed that was only fair, although I was a little disappointed it wasn't a gift.
"How?" I asked.
Harry grinned. "By letting us visit again."
"Sure, I would like that," I grinned stupidly back at him.
"You would?" he asked softly. I nodded.
Then Niall came over.
"Hey Zera, how are you?" Niall asked.
Better, now that you and Harry are here.
"Fine. How are you?" I mumbled.
Niall laughed loudly and I turned positively crimson.
"You're in hospital and you're asking me how I am?" he laughed. I couldn't help smiling; it was infectious. Harry chuckled as well.
"Well, I should go. I have fans to tweet, blah blah blah," Harry said. I could've swore he looked a bit sad. Niall walked over to say goodbye to Ella.
"Okay. I'm glad you came," I said sadly. Was he leaving already?
"Me too. I'll come and visit you again tomorrow. What's your phone number?"
I blinked.
"Sure," I said. I couldn't believe it. I gave him my number.
"I'll text you," Harry smiled.
I nodded.
He started to walk out the room. He turned around.
"Zera? I really liked visiting you," he said.
"I liked it too."

Well!! Some drama!
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The Last Tour - 1D- COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora