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I had never felt so humiliated in my whole fucking life. The earth apparently thinks that is very funny to watch Zera and I feel embarrassed in front of one direction, the biggest band on the planet. My nose was still bleeding and I felt a piercing pain on the tip every few seconds. There was no doubt about it. . . it was definitely broken. I probably looked like something from the walking dead. Oh the shame.

Zera and I were sitting on what was quite possibly the comfiest couch ever. I was watching the TV hanging on the wall that showed the concert. The boys had continued singing WMYB and their voices were somehow soothing. Zera started crying. I have to admit. Zera could be crying with wounds all over her and still look pretty much fabulous. I was jealous of that. She reached for the hat next to her and buried her nose in it.

"Are you okay Zera?" I asked her.

"Yeah" she replied "My camera is ruined though". I could hear the sadness in her voice. She had saved up for that polaroid for months, and now it was broken because of a bunch of crazy lunatics that tried to steal the hats. The lens was smashed and there were scratches all over it. Most of the colour had faded and there were various chips and dents all over it. I felt so sorry for her.

"My phone is cracked too" I finally decided to say. It wasn't just cracked, parts of the phone were actually missing and you could see the inside. It wouldn't turn on either.

"Damn that sucks" Zera replied. She felt around for her own phone. Relieved to know that it was still in her pocket.

"Did you get the hat?" she asked me.

I nodded slowly, immediately regretting it because my neck hurt like crazy.

"I know this sounds crazy since we have just been mobbed by insane fans but I can't stop feeling happy." I said. Feeling a pang of guilt in my chest. Was it wrong to be extremely thankful that we were mobbed to the point that the whole concert stopped? That Niall Horan actually noticed me?? What kind of human was I?

"I know, I mean we did get to talk to our idols for the first time" Zera said

"Yeah, that might be it" I replied.

"Might?" she mocked "or do you normally enjoy being beaten up?" she finished laughing. I grinned stupidly like a fool. A medic was taking Zera's shoes off

"Does this hurt?" the nurse asked

"Ouch yes" Zera replied with pain all over her face. The medics did some more check ups and finally said: "You girls need to go to the hospital." I was shocked and angry.

"What?? I don't need to go anywhere I'm fine" I argued

"Oh really" the medic said holding up a mirror "Take a look at yourself" She was right. I definitely needed to go to the hospital. I looked down in shame. Suddenly, Harry and Niall(yes you heard me right) came barging through the door.

"Are you alright?" Niall asked in his thick Irish accent. How was it possible for someone to make a girl weak at the knees just by saying a word?

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied. My throat was almost too sore to speak.

"I'm so sorry. I feel so bad. I shouldn't've thrown my hat. If I hadn't, none of this wouldn't've happened." he said with a guilty tone.

"No it's fine really, if you hadn't, I wouldn't be here speaking to you" I said. He chuckled. Oh my god. He chuckled. I, Ella, had made the Niall Horan chuckle. I wanted to scream with happiness but I didn't want to go all fan girl in front of him. Meanwhile, Zera was talking to Harry. I overheard him say that they would visit us in hospital and he would buy her a new polaroid. I looked down at my broken phone. I would have to save up again and not spend anything for the next six mon-

"I can buy you a new one" Niall said cutting off my thoughts.

"Oh. No it's fine" I replied.

"No really, it's my fault that you're here, it's the least I could do. Don't worry about money, it's on me" he said.

"Uum, thanks" I chuckled slightly. He looked into my eyes with his silvery blue eyes. I could've sworn that he blushed a little.

"Well, we have to go and continue the show Niall" Harry's deep voice boomed around the room

"Ok" Niall said. Harry winked at Zera and she blushed, her cheeks as red as a can of tomato soup.

"See ya" Niall said smiling at me. What if I never spoke to him again? But he would visit me in the hospital so I felt better. I heard the ambulances outside. It made me feel sick for some reason. Before I knew it, I was swept up off the couch and was being walked outside to the ambulances, only after leaving the room and seeing Niall's face on the TV singing, feeling warm inside.

The Last Tour - 1D- COMPLETEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ