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We left the restaurant an hour later. This time Ella and I were prepared for the reporters and fans, and we had sunglasses and caps to cover our faces. Harry and Niall waved to the screaming girls and ignored the reporters. Ella and I kept our heads down. Harry put his arms protectively around me and Niall was doing the same to Ella. I grinned to myself as we walked through the paparazzi and to the car which was waiting for us.
As soon as we got out of the crowd and into the car, Ella looked at me, eyes wide.
"Shit, Zera! I forgot about my car! We took it to the concert and I never brought it home! Ugh, I'm so stupid!"
Niall shared a look with Harry.
"Don't worry Ella. We sorted it out." Niall grinned.
"What? How?" Ella exclaimed.
"Ask us no questions and we'll tell you no lies," Harry chuckles. Ella looked just as perplexed as I was. She shrugged, and decided to trust them.

Niall was in the drivers seat and he turned on the radio. It was playing an old Eminem song and I surprised everyone by rapping along.
"You like Eminem?" Harry asked, turning around to gape at me. I blushed and nodded.
"Um, yeah, I guess," I said.
He smiled. "Wow. I didn't think you'd be the sorta person to like that type of music."
I agreed. Everyone said that when they discovered that I liked rap music. Ella hated it, so we didn't really listen to it much.
The song ended and a One Direction song came on.
"Really? We aren't even a band anymore and they still play our songs!" Niall groaned.
"I wish you were still a band." Ella said wistfully.
"I know. I'm sad that was our last tour. I'm gonna miss ya, Harry." Niall said sadly.
"Maybe we should do, like a duet or a song together or something," said Harry.
They kept on talking about their potential song and I whispered to Ella.
"Hey Ella, do you like Niall? Like, have a crush on him?"
She giggled. "Zera, I have loved him since he auditioned for X Factor."
"I know, but like do you like him as,
I dunno, a person?"
"Um. Yeah. I mean, he is really sweet," Ella confessed.
"What are you two whispering about?" Harry twisted around to grin at us. We blushed.
"Nothing," I said, then realised it sounded extremely suspicious. Oops. He raised an eyebrow.
"Hmmm," he said. We arrived at a hotel and Harry opened the door for me.
Oh, Harry. Always the gentleman.

"Where are we?" Ella said. I looked around and we seemed to be at a smart looking hotel.
"Oh, we thought you might want to spend more time with us. We talked to the hospital and your parents, so don't worry about anything."
So I didn't.

The Last Tour - 1D- COMPLETEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz