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The Hotel smelt of something that had died in the sewage. It wasn't pleasant. I looked over at Zera's face and pretended to gag. She nodded. We cautiously walked to the hole covered front desk. A lady sat behind it smoking a massive cigar and reading some magazine. There was a cloud of smoke surrounding her head. She had a black leather jacket on covered with studs, a red bandana covering her whole head so we couldn't see her hair, and - unpleasantly - piercings and tattoos everywhere. When she spoke, her voice croaked and sounded like she was about to die. With every word I worried that she was going to drop onto the floor and die.

"What do ya want?" the lady said flatly without looking up from her magazine.

"Um we'd like a r-"

"yeah, yeah whatever," she interrupted. Zera and I looked at each other with wide eyes. The lady looked up and grinned.

"Here," she said, handing us a pair of rusty keys, "room 7."

"Um, thanks" I stuttered, "How much?" I asked reaching for my bag.

"No cost, my treat," she wheezed. She reminded me of the evil witch from Snow White.

"There's something off about this hotel," Zera whispered to me. I agreed, but I had next to no money and we needed a place to stay.

"Oh. Thank you," I said as I quickly grabbed the keys. Zera and I headed towards the stairs. They were made of rickety, old wood and looked as if it would collapse at any given moment.

"This place is fucked up," Zera murmured. I nodded slowly in agreement. We climbed the stairs slowly and carefully. I hung onto the metal railing just in case it all fell down.

We reached room 7 and I inserted the key into the hole. I tried to twist it but it was jammed. Suddenly, the door quickly creaked open and I felt a hand cover my mouth.

Then everything went black.


Something dark, heavy and smelly was put over my eyes. A calloused, rough hand covered my mouth. My reflexes kicked in and I bit hard onto the hand and tasted blood. The Hand retracted and I heard yowl of pain. A piece of tough fabric was shoved into my mouth, and tied around my head. I tried to scream, but someone punched me in the throat painfully and it caught in my stomach. I lashed out and kicked every moving thing I could find. The rough, scratchy surface of a rope was tied around my hands and ankles, leaving me unable to move. Someone pushed me over onto the floor where I continued to thrash- I wasn't going down without a fight.

Then I felt a cold metal press against my forehead. A gun. I stopped thrashing immediately and froze. I could tell Ella had a gun pressed to her head as all the noise stopped. A low, menacing voice growled and panted.

"If any of you try something again, I'll shoot you through the leg."

I nodded because I couldn't speak. The man sounded dangerous. I wanted to scream for help but I couldn't. At this rate no one would notice if we were kidnapped.

Someone shoved me into a bodybag, the type they put dead people in in movies. I shuddered; I hoped we wouldn't end up like that.

A felt a pair of arms lift me and we went down some sort of a secret exit and before I knew it, I was in the boot of a car. I felt something next to me- it was Ella.

Slam. The sound of a boot door closing. How would we breathe? Oh, shit. I could feel the shock lifting and the panic setting in. Stuck in a bodybag, in a boot, with my hands and ankles tied together. And my mouth was gagged. I tried to whisper to Ella but it came out gargled and made no sense. I tried again, same result. The gag made it impossible.

Ella began tapping on the floor. I was confused. Why was she doing that? Was she just frustrated and trying to annoy he driver, or something?

Tap, tap, tap tap, tap tap tap, tap....

Oh! We made up a code for the alphabet when we were younger. I struggled to remember.

Code... from... yr... three... remember?

I tapped out an answer. It was painstakingly slow, but the only way to communicate.

Z: Yes

E: How to escape?

Z: Rn not possible

E: Run for it?

Z: Maybe

E: Is this to do with Daisy and Madeline?

Z: Yeah probably

E: iharhem

Z: what?

E: I hate them

Z: me too

E: will they ki-

The boot door was opened and wind rushed in. I gulped in the fresh air. It was so stuffy in the dark boot. Someone ripped off the bodybag and took off my blindfold. I blinked- it was so bright outside. A thuggish looking muscular man was scowling at us. I looked back, and I think my heart stopped.


He was a traitor.

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