Elleryn smiles up at him before she let go of Xalen hold around her waist, "we decide not to care about those, whatever those are", her voice calm and determined at the same time, eyes glinting with something Xalen has never seen before, relief.

On the other hand, Rydan seems flustered at what he has heard, the word 'we' ringing in his head, entranced him with only that word.

He smiles toward Elleryn's back, happy that she has decided the thing he dreaded the most.

To be by his side.

Rydan takes a step closer to the two, aware of his footstep, Elleryn turns around and smiles at him, the radiant smile he comes to love each time.

"Rydan," she said.

He smiles at her.

"Elleryn," he said.

"Kyzen," someone said, Rydan and Elleryn turn to the sound, to find Kyzen standing with a smile on his face. Eyes taking the scene in front of him, before he clears his throat.

"I need to tell you something," he said, eyes turning serious immediately, Elleryn nodded and took a step towards Kyzen, but Rydan immediately grasps her wrist.

"You can talk here," Rydan said, not wanting her to be elsewhere but within his sight. Kyzen rolled his eyes, sighing "I'm her brother, there's no way I would harm her, but seems like you can't process that information, oh well," Kyzen shrugs before his eyes find Elleryns.

"A fire dragon, the one dragon-spell you would need if you still want to open that book. I notice a powerful spirit lurking around the book, and a lone soul protecting it as well, you need Qeera for this, and just now I feel something-" Kyzen seems a little hesitant to continue his word, his mind wander off to that time he felt something powerful, but upon meeting his sister eyes, he just smiles.

"Never mind, I think I was mistaken, but yeah, remember what I said. You need Qeera if you want to open it," Kyzen said, Elleryn just nodded in understanding.

"Well then, I have to prepare to leave tomorrow, come on Xalen, we need to prepare our bag," Kyzen said, urging Xalen to follow him.

Xalen shakes his head, "I'm not leaving", he said.

"Really?" Elleryn asks, voice filled with expectation, Xalen smiles down at her, but then his eyes fall on Elleryn's hand that wraps around Rydan. He meets Rydan's eyes who seem smiling with amusement.

Kyzen watching everything, finds all of this quite entertaining, he smiles at them.

"I have decided to become your guard, I have informed Leor about it," he said, clenching his fist.

"There are more than three hundred soldiers inside this very castle, there's no need for you to stay," Rydan states.

Xalen raised his eyebrow, "and they all did a very good job at protecting her that night, huh?" it was rude, for Xalen to talk this nonchalantly toward the future King of Suttern, but he doesn't care.

He is beyond furious at this very moment.

And what he said only made Rydan feel the same way.

"Alright! I gotta go! Ezana just wakes up", Kyzen informs while clapping both his hand, making Elleryn snap her head toward him, she immediately tugs Rydan away to make him follow her step.

Who comply immediately.

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