Chapter 26: Euphoria

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Chapter 26: Euphoria

The hairs of my skin rose up, jittering. I couldn't move. My heart stopped beating for a moment. I was too horrified on what I just witnessed. Cvan killed her ex? He could do that? So he could kill me too?

Thoughts were pampering me, making me more frightened.

Cvan looked around furiously but when he didn't find what he was looking for, he turned around and walked over to the car. I was tempted to open the door and run for my life but it was too dark and the woods were screaming danger for me so I settled back to my chair.

When Cvan opened the door, I tried to look impassive. He slipped into the chair and started the engine. He drove off and left the lifeless body of his ex-girlfriend on the road.

He was an assassin. Of course, he was heartless. What should I expect?

The silence was deafening when he spoke.

"I wasn't the one who killed her." His words lingered sadness.

I didn't speak. I didn't know what to say. I witnessed him rose his gun and pointed it towards her direction. Why did he need to lie?

"Aly, she told me to kill her. She said she was sorry. She didn't mean to point her gun at us. Someone.." his voice became hard. "Someone asked her to try and kill us in exchange of her family being kept alive and if she couldn't kill us then she would choose to die than let them massacre her family. She wanted me to kill her, she was begging me but before I even could, someone beat me into it. Someone shot her first. Fvck!" His gripped on the wheel tightened. He was angry.

"I can't even take her body and give her a proper burial. Someone was still there Aly, if I didn't leave he might have shot me next." His voice weakened. I could feel his pain. It was so hard for him in this kind of situation. If you were forced to kill a person you had once love, can your conscience live up to that?

Being an assassin wasn't a joke. The human life is always on the line. Its kill or be killed. One has only one chance to live and if they wouldn't do anything that could lengthen there survival then they'd end up dead and would never ever go back.

"Do you hate me?" He didn't look at me but I knew he sounded afraid.

I shook my head. "No I don't."

"But you were scared. I made you scared. I'm sorry." He pulled the car to the side and faced me. I looked at him. His eyes emitted such anguish. He wasn't heartless. He was still a human.

I carresed his cheek. "I'm not scared anymore. I understand you. I will always be here." I unclicked my seatbelt and went to his lap. Wrapping him on my arms. Who was I kidding? Whoever he might be or whatever mistakes he would do, my love for him would always conquer everything, anything.

"You're the only one I have Aly. Don't leave me. Being alone is lonely." He sounded frail, powerless. So far from the Cvan I knew. I was privileged to see him on his vulnerable state. Not all people wants to see themselves fragile. It wasn't pleasant seeing being weak.

I wrapped him tight on my arms. "I love you Cvan. I will never leave you."


We arrived in the restaurant. Cvan handed me his spare gun so we both have our own in case of any danger. Cvan ordered our food. He was a bit okay now. He didn't dwell anymore into another life he had taken. Dwelling into problems would just leave a person crazy.

We had a few make-out session on the car that's why I guess he was okay now. That guy has obssession on physical contact. Well, I admit. I have too. I giggled to myself.

"Why are you laughing?" He rose his eyebrow.

I shook my head. "Nothing."

He shrugged. We both started eating our food silently. I was once again taken by my thoughts. I felt fear creeping in me just thinking of Cvan being taken away from me. I want us to survive this. I want us to have a happy ending together. Its been days since I last went to class and I'm pretty sure I need to beg my professor for an extra class to pass my last year.

I looked up to see Cvan also thinking. His brows creased. He looked stressed but still looked very attractive to me. I love him, of course he is attractive. I felt myself smirking.

Cvan pinched my cheek. "What are you thinking again? Tell me." He urged. I shook my head once again. "Nothing, nothing." He had a pout on his face.

I brush my hand on his hair. "Nothing, I just adore you." I smiled. He stared at me, deep stare. A kind of stare where you could drown and refused to be saved.

Oh god. This love we have is too overwhelming.

I broke away our stare. I continued chewing my food when Cvan's words halted me.

"Whatever happens, know that I would risk my life for you. Even if one day I'll lose you, I will still love you. I will fight for you. For us. I want to be with you Aly. No one else." He intertwined our hands. My heart in euphoria.

I was about to answer him when a shot broke through. This time, many people were panicking inside the restaurant. There were shouting and yelling in fear and horror. Cvan and I ducked but we needed to get out of here fast.

Cvan rose up and shoot towards the left direction. I saw one guy fell then two then three. Wow, such range.

I was busy staring at Cvan when a bullet shot near my abdomen. I yelped in suprised. I was able to avoid it. I held my gun and looked at the bullets. It was complete. I steadied myself then I rose up and shoot one, two then three before Cvan yelled for us to run.

And we did run for our lives. We ran towards the car, shots still firing.

Dearest Unknown (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें