Chapter 23: Mylene

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Chapter 23: Mylene

When Cvan and I finished eating, he decided to go restroom. I was left dawdling over the bits of food left on my plate. It wasn't safe for I and Cvan to be out but then we thought we can both protect ourselves and that reassured us but we knew that wouldn't guarantee safety.

I could feel a presence following us. Watching us but whoever they were, they were currently idle and wasn't planning to make a scene.... yet. They were content watching us from afar.

That was sending creeps in me. Maybe they were waiting for something. A signal. And when they have that, I have a feeling bloods will be shed.

And it's coming very soon.

I stared at the scenery outside. It felt serene and calming. I may have felt some eerie atmosphere surrounding me but looking outside disregard the creeps I was feeling.

The lights were shining pretty bright on the streets. The people walked down the aisles with smoke every so often coming out of their lips. It was cold but warming. People were smiling, laughing and for a moment it felt like I was having a normal life. No threats, no secrets just a life where my boyfriend and I are fighting over the one who's gonna pay the bill.

But sadly, that isn't the case.

I was just staring outside the window when I saw a figure of a man on the reflection of the mirror hovering above me.

I turned to looked at him and he was smiling at me sweetly.

"Hi." he spoke.

I rose my eyebrow. "Who might you be?" I was now scrutinizing him from head to toe. He looked attractive with his green eyes, chiselled jawline and a lean chest. Well, I still prefer Cvan.

He took my hand and kissed it gently. "I saw you sitting alone and you looked pretty lonely. Who leaves such a beautiful girl like you?" He uttered softly.

My face formed a frown. It was still a mystery to me how people get to be so bold in flirting. He was still holding my hand.

"I am with someone."

He looked amused. "Really? He is lucky."

"Maybe I'm luckier."

"Why is that?" He grab a chair and sat in front of me. He looked like he was curious on what I have to answer.

"He never gave up on me." I said softly.

He sat nonchalantly. "When love is stronger beautiful, nothing ever matters anymore." He commented.

I looked at him. "Did you love someone before?"

"Love?" He scoffed. "I think that's slowly disappearing. People becomes coward when they get hurt. Seemed like they think if they play love they won't get hurt. Love always win. It always does. Bullshit." He looked angry. I just met this person now but he sounded like he has an open view on how the world revolves.

I smiled. "Aren't you the same?"

His gaze turned to mine before he leaned and now his face was near me. "I don't play love. It comes to me." He smirked and that's when a hard shoved made the guy in front of me plopped unto the floor.

"Back off. She's mine." Cvan hissed. I may have forgotten how territorial Cvan was.

"Mine? Why'd you left her?" The guy taunted.

"That's none of your business so back off and don't touch her." Cvan's eyes were evidently mad.

Cvan grabbed my wrist and pulled me for the door. He didn't stop to look at me. He was just walking aimlessly. I didn't know where he was planning to take me.

At last, we stopped. He searched something from his pocket---a tissue and wiped it on the part where the guy kissed my hand. I looked at him, smiling.

"Don't let any guy touch you okay? Let alone kiss you. He didn't kiss you right?" His brows creased.

I giggled. He scowled more.

He continued. "I know this might be too much for you but I don't like anyone touching you. I just want you all for myself. Selfish I know but I already suffered months not being with you so just.. just be mine." He sighed, still wiping my hands. He wasn't looking at me. His gaze was just focused on my hands.

I had a big smile on my face. Maybe others would find it annoying having a possessive lover but I don't mind at all. I find it romantic.

I moved towards his lips and gave him a peck. He looked at me and a smile formed on his lips.

"Only you." I grinned.

He put down my hand and he beamed. He encased me on his arms, hugging me tightly. "I am happy." He whispered.

"Me too." I mumbled.

We were just standing, enclosed in each other arms. The warmth residing on our bodies. It felt relaxing and comfortable.

"Why did you even entertain that guy?" He sounded annoyed.

"He is interesting." Cvan grasp away so fast, his eyes shooting daggers at me.

"Interesting?" He scoffed. "So I'm not?"

I laughed. I felt so amused to see him worked-out from this simple things. I didn't answer his question. I walked away from him. I find this fun.

"Aly." his voice in warning. I didn't stop walking. We used to tease each other a lot and this is one of the days.

I continued walking. I had a feeling he wasn't following me so I turned my head to look at him and I was right. He was nowhere to be seen.

I felt worried all of  a sudden. We weren't suppose to separate. Especially now that we were both in danger. I searched and looked for him. Where did he go? That was so fast of him to disappear.

I went into the back of the stores for a chance to see him but he wasn't there. I went inside the restaurants but still no luck. Then, a familiar leather jacket greeted me. Cvan! He had his back on me. It seemed like he was talking to someone. I took one step and was about to come near him when a female voice stopped me.

"Where have you been? I missed you!" The girl beamed. He took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Cvan's neck.

"Mylene, I missed you too." He took her on his arms. My  heart became heavier. I remained stoned on my place. Who was she? Here I was worried for him and he was just here embracing another woman? I though he only wants me for himself? Such a liar.

I only stared at them. I didn't utter any word. The two of them didn't even notice me standing there, silently watching them. It hurt. It was agonizing. A torture.

Finally, Cvan turned and saw me standing. His eyes looked shocked.

"Aly, have you been standing there for a long time now?" He approached me. I breathe hard. I didn't even notice I wasn't breathing well.

"No. I just came now." I lied.

He looked unsure. "Really?" I nodded. He turned to the girl behind him. He smiled.

"Aly, this is Mylene."

He was hesitating to say his next words.

"Uh, my ex-girlfriend."

I felt my knees crumbled.


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