Chapter 12: Nervous

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Chapter 12: Nervous

I arrived home, 11pm. I had my part-time job after my class so I'm feeling exhausted as of the moment. I plopped comfortably into my couch as I sighed softly. Everyday, my life was slowly bending unto the agonizing truth of my past. Of who I am and who my sister was...

My eyes snapped open when a sob echoed the room. It was coming from my bedroom. I walked towards the sorrowful sob and I saw Raynie crying into the corner of the room. I approached her and she was staring into the picture of a man on her phone. She was crying again..

It has always been like this with her. She and Raylen would always fight over her boyfriend and if she feels like Raylen was stabbing her the painful truth, she would go to my apartment and cry her heart out. She was flirty yet loyal at the same time.

She noticed my presence for she turned and hurriedly wiped her tears.

"Oh Jina, you're here." She snooted.

"What happened?" I asked kneeling beside her.

"Nothing nothing." She waved her hand dismissively, her eyes puffy red.

"Is it about Rocco again?" I asked but she started laughing. My head cocked to the side. Did I say something funny? I wondered.

"You don't sound like you care Jina." She giggled. "You sound so monotonous!" I lowered my legs as I sat down beside her. She is happy now? She is such a bipolar being.

Her giggles turned into soft smile as she gaze into nothing. Silence wrapped the room as I stayed quiet too. It actually felt calming and relaxing.

"Jina.." she started, gazing above. "Limits has its way of dulling feelings huh.." she looked down sadly. Her hands clasp together. I didn't utter any word. I silently listened to her words. "I love Rocco Jina. So much. So much I think it's gonna destroy me mentally and emotionally if I walk away from him for good. I tried so hard to.. to fight my way through his heart. To reach out to him and make him see me..for me. Make him love me as much as I love him but it was.. it was never enough," her voice cracked. "I asked him to break me, I asked him to walk away. I told him to let go of me and I sure as hell told him if he won't then I would let him go. But he said no! He told me to fucking stay. He was pleading. I'm going crazy day by day on how confusing he was! He doesn't  know his true feelings! I've become hysterical and crazy and stupid and fucking broken and confused. For two years I've felt so lost but Jina.. Jina I've reach my limits. I'm so tired Jina." She broke down as sorrow surrounded the whole room. I could feel the pain she emanated. She cried and cried and I did what I only know I could do--- I rubbed her back gently.

She continued crying hard and I was left pondering; if loving a person was this painful, why risk the heart?

Raynie had been in a relationship with Rocco for years now. They had been unstable too in those years--she said. But she stayed because she believed then that the time would make them stronger and that she believed it could also deepen the love Rocco had on her but turns out she was falling but Rocco stayed on shore, killing Raynie on the process. I guess time sometimes could never guarantee everlasting love.

I continued rubbing her back as her sobs went into quiet pain. She turned, her eyes locked on mine; her brows knitted as if wondering what I was thinking.

"That guy before, who was he?" She asked curiously, changing the subject.

My eyes fell to her gray ones; interest perking her ever-knowing nature. My hands fell to my sides as I sit upright.

"He's Keon. My friend or used to be my boyfriend?" I said naively.

"Boyfriend?!" She shouted, seemingly, evidently shocked by what I said. "Who told you that?!" She faced me, shook me even, so violently, I thought I was gonna lose my breathing.

"I had a flashback. The guy had an inverted flower tattoo on his arm. He told me he loved me and I said I loved him too. Keon has the same tattoo." I explained like a child.

"Huhh??!" She shook me again, frantically. Lifting my arm up, I held her shoulder and halt her from almost destroying my vulnerable body.

"She wasn't your boyfriend Jina! You're boyfriend was--"  She yelled but she suddenly blinked; her eyes went wide; before hurriedly putting her hands to her mouth; like she was caught revealing a secret that should have not been said to anyone.

I bore my eyes on her intensely; she was looking anywhere but me. Nervousness racking her facial expression, I moved to her closer, suddenly curious on what she knows and what she has to say.

"Who was my boyfriend? You know?" I looked at her blankly but my face was so near her, her eyes still wide from uneasiness.

"No.. no Jina. I don't know.." she said, laughing nervously.

"Liar." I commented monotonously.

She continued chuckling but forced. "Jina, you know I gotta go. I'll see you when I see you. Bye!" She quickly said before running for the door and shutting it loud. I blink before going to shower; getting ready for bed.

Is something gonna happen if they tell me what they knew?



Dearest Unknown (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora