Chapter 28: Vina

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Chapter 28: Vina

I was about to move my way to Raynie and Raylen's when Cvan halted me.

"Aly, no." He spoke quietly.

I looked at him, still horrified. "Why? Let me go Cvan! Raynie and Raylen are..."

"The doctors would be here soon. They would take care of them." He said calmly.

I started punching his chest. An anger building up in my throat. "Why are you so calm huh? Doesn't this affect you? For god sake, this isn't just anyone who is on the brink of death Cvan! They are Raynie and Raylen!" I fisted my hands before turning to go to the twins when Cvan stopped me again.

"Aly, don't. Please trust me. Raynie and Raylen would survive this. I'm sure of that. But now, let's get out of here. We need to get ready. I think..." Cvan's words were cut when a deep voice spoke, hostility lingering on his voice.

"Well Albino, Ferreza. I'm glad to see you again." We turned to see a tall man, a huge inverted flower tattoo covering almost half of his arm. He was snickering. A letter S scar embedded on his cheek.

"Steven." Cvan uttered grimly.

"Oh Albino. The p*ssy who gave up killing because of getting whipped by this chick." He turned to me. "Still sexy Ferreza? Maybe you can pleasure me with that slutty body of yours." He showed his teeth, yellowish black in color probably because of chain-smoking.

I saw Cvan's hand tightened hard. He was furious. But he was controlling himself well enough not to plunge in into the guy.

"What do you want?" Cvan's voice dead hard.

"What do I want?" He chuckled dryly. "I want the girl Albino. She knows the secret of the organization and she has to die before it even gets to be exposed." A serious tone on his voice.

"You will not get her Gonzales. You'd kill me first before you even get to her." And with that, Cvan hastily brough out his gun and shoot frantically into Steven's direction. Steven, with his big figure, managed to avoid it.

Then, Cvan unluckily run out of bullets. Steven noticed, a dark smile forming on his face. Cvan grabbed my arm so fast, making a break for the door. But when we were about to close in, my arm was stabbed by a knife. Steven throwing it on my direction. I hissed in pain. People panicking inside the room.

Cvan looked at me but I nodded to assure him I was fine. I took one last glimpse at the twins and Raylen looked at me with a faint smile on his face.


When we arrived at Cvan's apartment, I was groaning in pain.

"This will be painful but please bear with it." I nodded my head in response as Cvan removed the knife swiftly, covering my wound with a damp towel.

I groaned quietly. "They are all in danger because of me." I said quietly. Cvan wrapping the bandage slowly into my arm.

"They want to kill me because of the threat that I'll expose them but I can't even remember what it was."

"They'll kill everyone that is important to me so I'll give up. Isn't that right Cvan?" I rested my eyes on his.

He stood up and took a glass of water. "Yes." He handed it to me, sitting on the chair in front of me.

"This country is ruled by Ramon Estrada. The president of the country." He started. "His Vice president Thomas Lopez is loyal to him, well that's what Estrada believes. Lopez had once been an assassin before like me. He was expert in assassination and it's because of that, that he had millions of money. But then his head grew greedy. He wanted power so he ran for the vice presidency and now he wants more. He wants to rule the country but he found out your sister took the information that would spoil his plan so that's why he wants to obtain you, kill you after and I could not let him do that." His knuckles harden.

"Why did my sister took the information? What does that have to do with us?" I was baffled.

"I don't know." He spoke quietly.

We were tranced with the silence. We let it consoled us for awhile. I was staring at the ceiling, contemplating with the losses I encountered. Keon, Raynie, Raylen. Are they okay? I hope they are.

All of a sudden, my head started throbbing. The agonizing pain catching up to me. I started bellowing. Cvan worried, moved beside me. It was prickling my head pretty bad. It was like the memory that was about to appear was painful and how I wished it was the latter.


She walked slowly into his direction, pointing her gun at Jina. He also had his gun steady, pointed at her. Her eyes were penetratingly cold. A shiver sending its way into Jina's skin.

At last, she was standing in front of him. Both guns pointed at each other's chest. Jina felt scared, breaking. Her neck still in chain and so was her hands. Why did her sister pointed her gun at her?

The two stopped moving. But her sister was whispering something into the man's ear. It was to muffled for her to hear. She was still on the state of bewilderment. Not understanding why her sister called her and wanted to kill her.

Then, she saw her sister looked at her. Her cold eyes gone, replaced by the glow of hope and happiness ingrained on her kind eyes. She smiled then a shot echoed, her sister collapsing lifeless on the floor.

The guy didn't move, his gun still steady. She felt shocked, her heart stopped beating. Jina's eyes drained of color.

"VINAAA!" She screamed painfully.

She was blinded by the dead body of her sister. The man standing in front of her killed her and her insides wanted to kill him too.

She was about to lunged herself into him when he turned around. She felt her heart stopped beating. She was too shocked to even move when a massive metal hit her head, making the stoic eyes of Cvan and his sickly smile the last thing she saw.


I went back to reality. The stinging of my arm suddenly numb. I lifted my body up. Cvan's eyes fixed on mine, scrutinizing.

He motioned me to stay in bed and was about to touch my arm when I vehemently pushed him away, his eyes wide.

"You.. you killed my sister." I was out of breath.

His shoulders stiffen, his eyes wide. He looked guilty.

I felt betrayed. I felt like he stabbed me in my back repeatedly because of the lies he made me believed.

I looked at him, my eyes broken,destroyed and he stared at me back with a glint of pain embedded on his eyes.

"No Aly, listen to me." He was about to approach me when I stood up, avoided him as much as possible as I felt like he was a criminal and not the guy I fell in love with.

All the love we had shared, the feelings that we brought upon each other, the care we hold on to each other was suddenly wiped out. It was as if the love I had for him obliterated.

"I will kill you." My voice cracked.

He looked at me so painfully. It was like it was killing him slowly with me bearing him with so much hatred.

"No Aly I..." I hurriedly went out of the door. I need to get out of here. I need to stay away from him because it was hurting me, breaking me just looking at him. He killed my sister and there are times that even if you hold so much love for a person, it will never be enough if they had killed the family you've only ever known.

Before I slipped away from the door, I heard Cvan yelled:

"the necklace Aly..."

I guess sometimes even such powerful love could never be enough.

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