Chapter 15: Helpless

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Chapter 15: Helpless

I gaped at Keon; still under the deep state of bewilderment. I was still digesting the thought that he knew my sister.

Very well.

"Lover?" I uttered, almost out of breath.

"Yeah." a painful glint evident on his eyes, longing even.

"You love each other?" I asked, deep interest lingering on my voice.

"I don't know." He heaved out a sad sigh.

"I don't know?"

"I loved her Jina. So much. She was the epitome of a person who was kind yet cruel at the same time." He smiled softly.

"Do you know who killed her?" I asked.

His face abruptly turned into a sour one. He didn't answer my question. He let the silence eat the question I want so badly to know.

"Keon?" But once again fate intervened with my conquest for answer for my head started throbbing; a torture stabbing the insides of my head repeatedly.

Keon approached me. Worry apparent on his face. "Jina, are you okay?" My face twisted and crooked, hands pressed into the sides of my temples as the flashbacks crossed my mind.

"Jina, I love him but I don't know why I can't seem to express that freely to him. If one day comes that I'll meet my own death, please tell him for me." She said gently.

"Why not now?"

"Maybe I haven't express it by words but he's not that naive to not feel it in my actions right?" Then she giggled happily.

The flashback stopped. I could feel Keon hovering above me. A hollow and suprised looked printed on his face. I asked him what was wrong when he suddenly slumped hard on me, blood flowing unto the deep wound embedded on the lower part of his chest.

"Keon?" My voice shook, my eyes widened in fear.

"Jina..." he coughed blood, his voice weakening.

"Keon.." Panic surged through me. "Keon, we will get you to hospital. Don't die on me please." I grabbed my phone and dialed 911, asking for an immediate ambulance.

He smiled weakly. "Jina.. If I.. If I don't make it..." I shook my head. "No. You will make it." I said, an unyielding confidence on my voice. "They will be here in 10 minutes." I ripped my shirt and applied pressure on his wound.

"Go to.. go to Cvan, Jina. You will be safe with him." His voice was slowly deteriorating.

"What are you saying, Keon?" I felt helpless and scared all at the same time.

"You will understand Jina.. with Cvan." He whispered. "Your emotions Jina....your coming back to us." Is what he last said before collapsing in my arms. And in that exact moment, the ambulance arrived. Carrying Keon's unmoving body, his pulse slowly weakening.

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