Love Is Enough

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A/N: this is the second part of Who Are You. It's just a different title that's all. Enjoy (: btw play the song. It's perfect.

Walking through the city that never sleeps was amazing. New York City was extremely incredible. It has to be your favorite city. Why? Simple answer.

Kendall Jenner.

You met the dark haired girl at SoHo. She was walking through the street with one of her good friend, Hailey Baldwin. You remembered like it was yesterday. The thought of it makes you smile. She was so captivating that day. Something about her makes her look so intriguing and she captured your attention. It was a funny story actually. How you two met. It was an intentional act. You were so intrigued by her that you needed to get to know her. But you did not know what to do. Eventually, you decided to passed by her shoulder and fell on to the ground on purpose. She quickly turned around and helped you up. You could tell she felt so guilty that day, she thought it was her fault so she decided to take you out for a drink, but one thing lead to another. And then, it happened. You and her were officially together.

But there was a main problem about the relationship. Her parents were not supportive of the relationship. They tried everything to take you down. Kendall begged and already did everything to prove them that you are worthy but they did not accept you.

Why? Because you were a girl.

And Kendall was not supposed to be with a girl. Her parents told you that Kendall should marry a man, not a woman. You remembered those dark days when her parents sent you lots of threats and blackmails. But you went through all of it with Kendall. If it were not for her, your relationship with her would have ended long long time ago.

Kendall was hopelessly in love with you. And both of you were a hundred percent devoted to each other. That was when Kendall told you to run away together and you agreed. You did not have to think twice to take her offer. You both  made a vow that you would never ever forget

I solemnly swear that no matter what happened, I will always find my way back to you and love you through everything.

And you ran away with her. To Europe. You lived together with her for about five months in Italy. But something big yet for some reason is also stupid happened. She got drunk one night and she drove home while she was drunk. Being such a protective girlfriend, you got furious of her behavior because something really bad could have happened. You were so afraid that she might've got herself into an accident. You have told her a thousand times not to drive when she was drunk yet she did. You have told her before if she ever got drunk, she would call you to pick her up but she did not.

She did not get how worried you were. She thought that you were being too dramatic. So, the next morning, she got a bad hang over and was really cranky. The morning ended up being a rough argument. She booked the earliest flight to go back to LA. You told her that you were sorry for overreacted the whole thing but she still just did not want to hear you. You already begged her not to go but she still did. You knew it was not your fault but you would do anything for her, even if you had to play as the victim. She told you that she was going back to LA for another reason.

I missed my family

That was what she said. You knew it was not the reason. She left because she was mad at you and needed some time apart. So she left, and five hours later, you got a call saying that her airplane crashed. That news completely shut you off. You did not know how to react. It felt like your body somehow paralyzed by itself. It was such a stupid reason to fight over a silly stuff. But you never realized it could make such a big impact in your life. It took someone's life.

Not just someone. But the love of your life's.

It completely broke you. You never came out from your bedroom for months after the incident. You lost a few pounds and your eyes were swollen from all the cryings. You wished she was still here. You imagined that she was still there.

KENDALL JENNER IMAGINESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon