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"You...." was the only word you could managed to say

you couldn't believe what you just saw. who you saw. it's her.

it's Kendall.

you've been waiting for this your whole life. seeing her face again.

"K-Kendall?" your face soften once you saw her face

"yeah it's me" she smiled a little

you saw bruises and red marks all over her face
"what happened to you?"

you got worried as you softly grabbed her face closer and started observing the bruises

Kendall just stared at you. you noticed her stare. you were a little too close to her face and because of that you swiftly pulled away scared you might making her uncomfortable.

she felt intimidated by you.

"sorry" you muttered at her as you looked down

since you feel her presence here, you were a lot more calmer and less angry

"don't say sorry y/n, I should be the one who say sorry" she said and you can see the guilt in her eyes

"what's wrong?" you frowned

before Kendall could say anything, the doctor came out from the ICU.

you saw the doctor and you could see the look on his face. it's not good.

"can I see my mom now??" you asked

the doctor looked over at me and my dad
"no you can't, you just have to wait 9 more hours for her to be stabilized. we have to inform you that we ran some tests and your wife is in a critical condition right now. she lost a lot of blood but thankfully she was brought here fast enough"

you felt your whole life is came crashing down

tears started building in your eyes
"when is she going to wake up?"

"we aren't sure, it takes days, weeks, months, years, or- never" the doctor said

"I can't believe this is happening right now...not again..not like this" you muttered softly at the last part but enough to be heard

your father just looked at you sadly and said
"okay thank you doctor"

the doctor went away

"Y/N, look at me. your mother is strong, she is gonna be okay. she will wake up and come home with us" your dad told you

"did you even hear what he said? mom only had a 50% chance of life dad!" you said

you just shook your head and stared at him in disbelief

"how can you even be this calm?!" you pushed him away and you went out from the hospital with tears streaming down your face

you were at the parking lot right now. you just wanted to be left alone.

"you okay there?"

You turned around and saw Kendall.

KENDALL JENNER IMAGINESNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ