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Request: can you make a story about y/n gets punch by paparazzi while she's leaving a restaurant after having lunch with kendall


You were out with your girlfriend, Kendall Jenner. you can say that you were the luckiest girl in the whole wide world because you were dating her, and the craziest thing is that you were 5 years younger than her.

You met Kendall from mutual friends. you started dating because she liked you and obviously you liked her back.

You had been in a relationship with her for about 8 months. Your love for her gets stronger every day. She had been an absolute amazing girlfriend for you. She always took care of you and she's overprotective when it came to the person who she loved.

Right now, you were on your way with Kendall to the restaurant. This was actually your first day spending time with Kendall alone after in a long time because she just got back from Europe.

"I miss you" she pouted
"me too... it has been 3 weeks since I last saw you" you said to her
"yeahh well you know I had to go to work love"
"I know.. and I also got so much stuff going on at school you know" you sighed
"well for today, lets not think about anything but us okay" she kissed the top of your head

you nodded as you lean on to her shoulder. Few minutes later, the driver pulled off into the restaurant. You went outside of the car with Kendall as the paparazzi started swarming around you

Kendall as usual being overly protective held your hand firmly as you finally made your way inside the restaurant.

"are you okay?" she asked you worriedly
"yeahh i'm totally fine" you said smiling

Little did she know, you got a scratch on your left hand and it left a scar from the paparazzi but you didn't want to tell Kendall. You knew how much she hates paparazzi. You just didn't want to make any trouble that's all.

"okay then" she said as you both started ordering.

few minutes later the foods came and you started eating. you both talked about everything.

"kenny, can I ask you something?" you said
"of course! anything y/n, oh- but if you want to ask me to marry me no, i'm not ready, one day" she said sarcastically and laughed
"don't be silly, of course I'm not asking you that, besides I'm under age" you laughed
"true, but anyway what do you want to ask?" she asked while continue eating
"uhh, why do you like me? I mean- why did you choose me? I'm still 15 and you're 20. besides, there are lots of beautiful girls out there who wants to be with you, and Cara is also-" you asked but she interrupted by taking your hand

"y/n baby stop, you know that I love you. from the first time I saw you, I knew there's something different about you that makes me interested. And I just fell in love with you immediately the moment I saw you. And I don't even care about our age. 5 years is a small gap y/n, besides my mom and my dad had 6 years age difference. And I don't even care about other girls or even Cara. you are way more amazing than those girls out there. I like you y/n. I like you so much and that feeling turned into love. I love you and you are all I think about. And I promise to you that I won't let nobody hurt you" she explained as she kissed the the top of your hand

You smiled at the thought. you smiled because after in a long time, there's actually someone who cares about you genuinely. you smiled at her words

"I love you so much" you said as you stared deep down into her beautiful brown eyes
"I love you more my angel" she said

After you both finished eating, Kendall as always being the gentle one, paid the bill

You and Kendall made your way out of the restaurant. She grabbed your hand and started walking. Out of the sudden, you felt a sting on your face. You got punched by a stupid paparazzi. You felt dizzy and there's a big bruise on your face

"oh shit" the guy who punched you exclaimed

Kendall and the other papz gasped
"what the fuck did you do to my girlfriend!?!?" Kendall exclaimed

"I'm so sorry oh God it was an accident" he started apologizing

"sorry doesn't even to cover it! she's still under age for god sake! I'm calling the cops, I'll sue you and your stupid magazine company" Kendall shouted at the guy

You knew if something happened to you, she'd do something like this and this would make a scene

"Kenny i'm fine don't do th-" you said as she interrupted you again

oh boy she did love to interrupt

"no y/n! it is not fine! you got fucking punched on the face! it is not fine!" she started shouting

she called the cops and few minutes later the police came. The paramedics also came to take care of you. You were taken care by the paramedics as you saw the police were talking with Kendall. You can saw how furious she was.

After a few minutes later, she walked up to you

she sighed as she wrapped her arms around you
"I'm so sorry they're so mean" she said
"it's fine, nothing's serious happened to me anyway"
"could you stop saying 'fine' ? it is not fine for me y/n, you were bleeding an- wait, is that from them?!" she asked as soon as her eyes landed on your big new fresh scar on your left hand
her face went back furious
"you're stuttering, that means yes" she said

you just sighed
"unbelievable" she said closing her eyes

you took her hand
"I told you it's fine kenny, it really is. it's not like I'm dying or anything"

she looked deeply into your eyes
"no it's just that- you know how much I love you and how much I hated paparazzi and they hurt you. I told you before that I won't let anything happen to you, and I basically failed"

you exhaled
"you did not fail kenny, you still have me. Everything is gonna be fine okay? I love you" you kissed the tip of her nose
"I love you too"

"Speaking of... you didn't really sue that guy did y-"

"I did" she smirked

"Oh God Kendall..."


Author's Note: I'm so sorry if this sucks

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