CLOSE pt.6

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It has been almost two weeks. you missed Kendall so much. All you wanted to do now is just to give in and hoping that she'd come back to you.

But it never happened. You waited for her to call you but nothing happen.

You were currently just laying down on your sofa, staring at your phone waiting for something to happen. That is what you did for the past hours.

It was silent. Only the sound of people talking on the television. you couldn't careless.

You were tired. no, you were exhausted.

"you said you needed time, I gave you that, you told me you love me kenny so why didn't you come back to me"

you were talking to yourself while staring at kendall on your phone's lock screen. the photo was her sleeping-snuggling under the duvet. you remember that day.

you were starting to get crazy. you were a total mess without her. she's the only thing that keeps you sane.


you were having a lazy day with Kendall. you spent the whole day with her

Currently she was sleeping. You decided to take a pic of her

Gosh, She looked so peaceful and innocent. She was the most beautiful girl you've ever met. You just want to stop the time and have this moment forever

You just wanted to be with her. She was all you ever asked for

You just laid beside her watching her sleep. How her chest raised up when she took a breath, her soft snores that sounded like a song to your ears. And how her hair tangled everywhere and messy but still managed to look beautiful.

"stop staring you creep"

her eyes started to open and you just give her a smile

"I don't mind you calling me a creep as long as I can see you wake up next to me every day" you gave her a kiss on top of her head

"well I guess you have to ask me to marry me first then" she snuggled to you

"I will, one day"

she looked up at you

you just smiled and nodded at her
"I promise"


you decided to got up and took a shower. You did your hair and put on your clothes. You decided not to wear any make up because you were too lazy to do it. typical Y/N

you took your jacket as you got into your car and drove off. you decided to go to Kendall's condo

After 10 minutes drive, you finally arrived. you went in front of her door and started knocking.

Few minutes passed by, there wasn't any answer. you were hopeless.

'maybe she's at her house' you thought

you checked your phone and it was low battery.

"goddammit" you cursed as your phone died

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