Chapter 18

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"mom, can we see her?" I asked her

"I don't know Kendall" Mom said

"please mom I need to see her" I said crying

"okay let's go ask dr. brown"

Me, mom, and Kylie went to find dr. brown

"Dr. Brown, can we see y/n for a while?" mom asked

"I'm afraid that's not possible ma'am, she is not in a good state now" Dr. Brown explained

mom looked at me but I pleaded

"Dr. Brown, please I'm begging you I need to go and see her, please just for a few minutes that's all I'm asking.. please just for a while" I cried begging

Dr. Brown looked at me concerned

"okay... I guess you can but only one person can only go inside the room, and  please do not yell or make a loud voice or sound when you're in the room, and you can only have 15 minutes" Dr. Brown said as I thanked him

I looked over at mom and Kylie and they both just nodded, I went inside the room.

I walked inside as I saw her body lying down on the bed wearing her hospital gown. I saw lots of tube connected to her body.

I walked over and took a seat beside her. It was silent. All I heard is the beeping sound that showed y/n heart rate.

I looked at her beautiful face that now is covered with cuts, I took her hand softly and held it as I cried silently.

"why do I have to be so stupid... baby, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have told you to go on a race with me... We should've gone back home and cuddle, but instead I told you to go on a race and this happened... this is all my fault and I will never be able to forgive myself if you didn't wake up ever again..." I cried silently

"baby please wake up... I need you in my life, I still need to hear your sweet voice every day, I don't know what I would do without you please y/n, I love you"

I caressed her hand and kissed it

"y/n, I know you're out there and I know that you can hear me... so please baby just promise me one thing..." I said to her

"promise me that you'll come back for me, that you will wake up and still love me the way you did before, please just... come back to me" I cried over and over again

"okay time's up kendall, you need to go now, y/n still needs to rest without any distact" Dr. Brown said

I saw him and gave him a nod

"I need to go now, I promise I will be always be here, I won't ever leave the hospital, I love you y/n"

I looked at her one last time and kissed her hand before I left the room


I went out from the room and I saw my sisters are here.

"omygosh kendall we're really sorry, we just heard that y/n got into an accident, so as soon as we heard the news, we went here" Kim, Kourt, Khloe explained

I just gave them a sad smile and a hug
"It's okay guys, thank you for coming" I said to them

"the news went wild on the media when they knew that your girlfriend got into an accident while you guys were racing together" Kourt said

I just shook off my head looking to the ground as I sat down


I looked over at Kylie

"How is she doing?" I said referring to Kendall

"honestly? she's a wreck right now, just look at her... her eyes are red and puffy from all the cryings non stop, she kept blaming herself for what happened to y/n, and after the accident, she called mom when I was with her, she told us that she was already in the hospital that y/n got into an accident, so after that we rushed here... it breaks my heart to see her in a state like this" Kylie explained it to me

I could see from what Kylie had told me, it was true, Kendall looked like a wreck, her hair is a mess, her make up is a mess, her brown eyes are now puffy and red and full of sadness. It's so sad to her like this. And y/n didn't deserve any of this, she should've been hanging out, playing, and cuddling with Kendall and not in a coma. they didn't deserve any of this.

I nod my head and said thanks to her for telling the information.



"mom, I'll stay here in the hospital and wait for her okay" I said to her

"but honey, she's still unstable.. you probably should go home and take a shower and rest, then you can come back and stay with her in the hospital if you want" My mom said

she's right. I should probably go home first and rest. I looked like a mess, I need to go take a shower and rest, then tomorrow I'll go back here.

"you're right, I should probably go" I said to mom and she nodded her head

I called my driver to pick me up, I bid goodbyes to my family as I went back home


I went into the house. All is silent. It feels so empty. It was like there is no life in this house. I missed her. I just missed her sweet voice, her laugh, her silly jokes, her touch, her warm smile, her everything. I decided to take a bubble bath and just relax for a while. I decided to take my mind off of y/n but all I think is the accident. how the car hit the big hard object and the car wrecked and glasses shattered all over the place. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I just hate when the flashback came especially the bad one. After I finished my bath, I decided to put y/n's clothes on me so it made me feel like she's with me even though she's not.

It smells like her though, her body scent.

I went down to the living room and I took out an album of pictures

It was filled with my pictures and y/n's

There was when I went to Maldives with her and my family. I was on the speedboat together with y/n, we were both laughing. Kylie was the one who took the picture. There's also when we both dancing in a sunset, Then there's a picture of me and her both looking at each other with love. It was still my favorite photo. I missed this moments. I miss y/n

I looked at our pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks that is on the counter. It was already 11 pm, I decided to sleep. I jumped on the bed and I looked over my side bed and it was empty. Sadness full filled my emotion again. Then I laid down and just stared at the ceiling. As I was thinking of her, I drifted off to sleep.

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