Upside Down | part 1

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"we can't keep doing this"
her words makes your legs go weak.

tears were threatening to leave your eyes.

"Y/N, I love you, but you know that my wedding is in two weeks" she said

It's true. Kendall is engaged to a young noble man. Her parents made her do it because it was for the best for the family. She, obviously as a good daughter couldn't reject her mother's wish. It would just cause a scene and more drama for her family if she says no

Along the time, Kendall met a college-material girl. you.

You both became friends and grew closer each and more everyday. You were aware that she was engaged. But then, one day, she kissed you. And one lead to another way.

You knew it was all wrong. She was engaged, she was basically cheated on his fiancé, and you didn't even know if you were gay. You thought you were just going through some 'phase', but you figured it wasn't a phase. It has always been that way for you. So you told your parents that you were gay, and thankfully your parents accepted you and they told you that they loved you no matter what.

They asked you about who you were seeing but you didn't tell them who obviously.

You and Kendall started "sneaking around" for about three weeks. One time, you were accidently caught holding hands by her parents. Caitlyn just shook it off, but Kris started asking questions. You basically just lied to them that you were comforting Kendall because one of her (imaginary) friend passed away.

Kris didn't really have a problem with you since you came from a really decent family. Your parents owned a huge successful company and you went to a really prestigious college.

Only one problem, you were too close with Kendall. and even though Kendall never told her parents that she's gay- or bi, Kris knew about her daughter

Kris knew Kendall had dated a girl when she was 16. Kendall was deeply and madly in love with her. But, Kris being Kris just told Kendall to forget about the girl because she said that she was still young and it was just a puppy love. Kris told her that she was just going through some phase and confused.

But Kendall knew what she always wanted. She likes girls. Although, she still admitted that she's still attracted to guys. So, after what her mother said, she tried to date guys. But it didn't end up well. And because of that, Kris decided to make an arrangement by marrying her daughter to a royal blue blood.

Kendall couldn't say no.

"so this is it then?" you cried

Kendall looked at you worried and hurt
"I-- yes..."

you were still hopeful
"you can come with me after I graduated, we could run away Ken-

"-Y/N, you know I can't do that.." she cut you off

you grabbed her hand
"Do- you love him Kendall?"

"there are things I love about Blake" she said

you nodded knowing about her fiancé. Blake was a really nice man. You met him twice, He was that one man that wouldn't even hurt a fly. You knew he would never hurt Kendall.

"But- are you in love with him?"

she stopped and looked at you straight in your eyes
"I never was and never will"

KENDALL JENNER IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now