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It has been one week since our last encounter. It wasn't good. I knew that deep inside I still love kendall. Maybe I was too hurt to say yes to her. I need some time alone.

I got a call  from Bella

Bella: hey babe, I'm going to throw a party for my 20th birthday, can you come please?

Y/N: of course I can! but Kendall will be there?

Bella: yeah, but you can't avoid her forever you know... besides, I haven't seen you in a while, I miss hanging out with you

Y/N: you're right, I can't hide forever, I miss you too bells

Bella: Gigi also wanted you to come, she practically begged you, Kendall hasn't been the same since you left her. She cried every day y/n, why don't you give her a second chance? do you still love her?

Y/N: I don't know bells. It's like my heart tells me to say yes, but my brain says no. Maybe I was still hurting inside, I'm not ready I think. and yes, I do still love her. I think about her every day.

Bella: Then be with her y/n, don't make your own life miserable.

I frowned and thought about what bella said. she was right, I only did this because I was hurt and not ready to leave what was in the past yet. I had to let go what already happened and moved on.

Y/N: b-but, I left her when she asked me to give her second chance.. do you even think she still wants me back? I think it's pretty clear that she got the message when I left her

Bella: If she was in your position, she'd done the same thing as you did y/n, and I'm sure she's understand.

Y/N: *sigh* okay I'll give it a try, just try to help me out okay?

Bella: I will! you won't be sorry, anyways, party at my place, starts at 7, any question?

Y/N: I think I got it, oh and one more thing

Bella: yes?

Y/N: happy 20th birthday baby bells, now if you'll excuse me, I got a party to intend to

Bella: haha thanks babe, I'll be waiting, see you xx

I pushed the red button. I jumped into my shower. after that, I quickly got ready for the party. I did my makeup and hair perfectly. I was wearing my classy white Versace dress that fit perfectly with my body. I took my hermes clutch and got in to my Benz.

I drove to Bella's place. After for about 20 minutes, I finally arrived as I parked my car at her house. her huge house was decorated and it was already filled with lots of people. I made my entrance inside her house. her bodyguards let me in because they knew I was Gigi and Bella's friend. I thanked them and started searching the birthday girl

I saw her talking to her older sister and Kendall

My breath hitched when I saw her. She was so effortlessly beautiful even she was just standing there. She was wearing a navy black dress. she was just breathtaking.

my face went pale when I saw her. she hadn't seen me but I felt nervous. I was scared what'd happened next.

It was now or never. I took a deep breath and started walking towards them

Kendall's POV

I had been in Bella's party for about 20 minutes now. The only reason why I came because

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