CRUSH pt.1

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Request: kendall is having a photoshoot in germany. one night, she really want to explore city around her hotel and bunch of drunk guy trying to block and rape her! you are an internship student from USA on the last year of college in germany. when you see Kendall attacked by those guys, you try to rescue her and you did it. you won the fight but the fight left you with a lot of brushes on your skin and face.

kendall amazed by yourself and suddenly had a "fling" on you because nobody ever impressed her like you do. on the other side, you had a crush on her (because she's a model), you know who she is and don't expect anything beside just want to rescue her:p let the story begin :p



I was an internship student from USA last year. But I did my studies in Germany. my mom told me it would be better in German so...

the reason why I went to German because I had to finish a bunch of stuffs

Anyways, I just met my old professor that used to company me while I interned last year. We talked about the stuff that had to be done and after a couple of hours, we were finally done.

It was already night, I was so tired. I walked through the dark alley all alone. It was freezing and silent.

Then I saw a bunch of guys surrounded. I couldn't really see clearly because it was dark until I heard what they were arguing about

"hey there pretty, why don't you come with me"
"you're cute, we can have fun together"
"no you should come with me"
the guys slurred in german and I could tell they were drunk asf

so they were arguing about a girl. I saw a girl figure. She looked really tall from behind. Her back was facing me so I couldn't see her face. But I bet she's beautiful

"no please don't touch me" the girl said

There were 3 guys surrounded her and started touching her.

I hated when drunk guys- especially random guys started to touch a girl randomly. They just wanted to have sex. I, on the other hand, couldn't stand the fact to see someone get disrespected just like that, especially girls. I'm not being biased though.

I started to quicken my pace. I saw the guys started pulling the girl and touching her.

"Hallo! geschweige denn das Mädchen!" I shouted at them
(translation: hey! leave the girl alone!")

Now they were all looking at me. I couldn't see their faces. There were lights, but it was dim. So I couldn't see clearly unless I see them like real close

"die jetzt zum Teufel bist du?" one guy said
(translation: now who the hell are you?")

"Ich bin das Mädchen, das in den Arsch treten wird, wenn Sie das Mädchen in Ruhe lassen!" I said to them while still walking
(translation: I am the girl who is going to kick your ass unless you leave the girl alone)

"gut, schade, Missy, ich nehme das Mädchen mit mir" The guy said
(translation: well, too bad missy, I'm taking the girl with me)

"Nun, in diesem Fall sind Sie gonna haben zuerst durch mich bekommen" I said to them
(translation: well, in that case, you're gonna have to get through me first)

KENDALL JENNER IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now