CLOSE pt.5

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Kendall's POV

I was eating my ice cream by myself for the past hours.

knock knock

I groaned in frustration. I started walking towards the door and open the door without thinking twice


she just smiled
"Hey Ken, we need to talk"


I just sat there with my mouth gaping. Alycia just told me the whole truth. So actually the blame was on me. but not 'fully' on me

"I just hope you understand Ken" she said

"but she could've told me long time ago Al" I sighed

I was still a bit disappointed and pissed because she could've told me that she had slept with Kelsey.

"she was just scared that she might lose you forever, she knew how much you hate Kelsey" she said

I was still completely overwhelmed. I ran my hands through my hair.

"just talk to her please, she haven't slept or eaten anything for the past three days" she begged with hopeful eyes

"I don't know Al"

"she thinks that you hate her now" she continued

"I don't... I don't think I'd ever be able to hate her" I told her

"It's just that, she slept with her! with Kelsey! it's not about when it happened Aly, it's about honesty" I continued

"I know that! but I told you she's just scared! just please forgive her" she started raising her voice

"I already did!" I got up from my sofa and started pacing back and forth

"then go talk to her! please!"

"it's not gonna be that easy okay?! I was hurt, don't push me please Alycia" I sighed

"I need some time alone" I continued


"I said I need some time alone Alycia! just go now please!" my temper raised

she looked at me a little scared and as soon as I saw that my face soften


she started walking out the door

"Alycia" I called her
"what?" she turned her head
"I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to scare you"
"its fine" her voice was still upset and bored
"just please tell y/n to eat, I don't want her to get sick"

she just nodded and left the place


Third Person's POV

It has been four days since Kendall & Alycia talked. Alycia has been taking care of  y/n for the past few days

"Y/N I really think you should go outside the house, really" Alycia said

you just looked at her

"I had nowhere to go Lycia" you said calmly

you really didn't know what is your status now. sure you and Kendall had broken up. But you kept telling yourself that she'd come back to you

"maybe she's moved on" you said

"no she's not-"

"how do you even know Alycia!? it's been two fucking weeks! what do you expect? she said she needed a few days? well thats a fucking lie" you yelled

Alycia just sat there silently while listening to all that you just said. It was all true.

After a few moment, she got up from her seat

"maybe you're right, maybe she's already moved on, or maybe you didn't try hard enough to find and talk to her! it was all your fucking fault in the first place anyway Y/N! why am I always be the one who got yelled, either you or even Kendall! All I ever do was trying to make sure you both okay, instead I got treated by you both like shit. clearly you don't know that" Alycia yelled as she gave you a glare

you frowned to yourself
"Alyc- fuck"

she left your place

"god dammit" you roamed your hands through your hair don't know what to do now

now you had lost two people that you really love and care about


buzz buzz

you rang Alycia's electronic bell. you waited for a while until you were finally greeted by the sight of the brunette

She raised her eyebrows looking at you and giving the 'what' look

"I'm sorry okay? I just- I tried to fix everything and you were always there for me but I was so selfish an-"

"okayy geez stopp Y/N, stop crying okay, I'm not mad at you" she grabbed your shoulder

"well you have all the rights to be mad at me, I treated you like shit I shouldn't have yelled at y-"

"-hey its okay, I was just hurt okay? I knew you were hurting too but at least give me a fucking respect" she said

"yeah I'm so sorry, I don't want to lose another person that I really care about okay? I really hate when we fight" you sighed

"you won't lose me, besides its cool I guess, family's fight all the time, thats what makes us stronger"

she smiled as she threw her arm around you walking inside her house as you both talk


Note. I'm so sorry I just updated today. I know it's been a while but I was really occupied so. please let me know what should I do with this whole Kendall-Y/N situation on the comments because I had no F-ing idea what I should do next. give me suggestions xx <3

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