Rivalry | part 2

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"you were lacking for strength, Y/N! you're the captain of the team, you should be smart!" your coach told you

"Yes, coach!" you answered sternly

"You need someone to train you." Coach said

then a lightbulb seemed to appeared on top of his head and he grinned
"I know just the perfect person to train you."



You were on the hallway trying to find the dark-haired girl

"where the fuck is she" you muttered to yourself

you saw a red haired playing with his phone
"hey, have you seen Kendall?"

"at the art room" he said

after you muttered thanks to the red hair guy, you went straight to the art room and saw her alone.

you immediately went inside the room and she was taking pictures with her analog camera.

"what are you doing?" she asked as she continued focusing herself taking pictures the stuffs in front of her

you knew how much she loved photography. but seriously not this much. You knew she always brought her polaroid camera everywhere, literally.

"look, you owe me something, remember?" you said

"just get to the damn point, Y/N. what do you want?" she said as she took another picture

you sighed
"I need your dad to teach me, for my basketball game" you said to her

suddenly, you heard her laugh

you groaned
"look, coach said I'm lacking for energy, and he suggested for me to go to your dad since he's a former olympic gold-medal winning so he must know lots of sports stuff and help me with my case"

"fine, but I'm gonna need to go ask my dad first" she said as she took off her camera of her hands

you nodded
"okay, let me know when can I start"

"sure" she replied and you went out from the art room


"so, is this the famous Y/N Y/L/N I've heard about?" Bruce greeted you once you got into the Jenner house

"hey Mr. Jenner! thanks for letting me practice with you" you were about to shake his hand but he pulled you into a hug

"you know, my daughter talks about you all the time" he commented

"well im sure its all bad things" you said

he just laughed

"so can we start now?" you asked him as you pulled your hair into a ponytail

"now we wait for Kendall first, she's getting ready" he said


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