18 | Falling Sandbags

Start from the beginning

"Now, before you scream and run away, I want you to know that it's still me," he started, earning a confused look from me. He let out a shaky sigh before beginning. "Okay, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, so I'll just say it as it is . . ." He turned to me with a serious look. "I'm technically made from two people."

I stared at him for a few seconds before raising an eyebrow. "Uh, your parents?"

He shook his skull. "No, like, two monsters actually fused their souls together to create me," he said, not breaking his gaze from mine. "Oh, so you're like two monsters trapped in one body?" He shook his skull again. "I'm still me, like, I have my own thoughts and personality and stuff. But the two monsters that fused their souls to create me are officially gone, leaving me in their place," he explained, looking a bit uncomfortable.

"Really? That's pretty cool," I said, reaching over and linking arms with him. He looked down at our linked arms before looking back at me. "You don't care?" I turned to him and smiled while giving him a look. "Well, kinda. I mean, I care about you and stuff, but I don't care how you 'existed' or 'came to be', if that's what you're implying." He looked at me for another second before looking away while we continued to walk. A small smile spread across his face as he let out a small "hm," and gave me a side hug.

"Aw, look at you, being sweet," I teased, giving him a huge hug in return. He rolled his pupils with a lopsided grin on his face, kicking a rock across the ground before twisting his hand and summoning a Gaster Blaster.

He stepped onto to Gaster Blaster before pulling me up next to him. "Let's get going, shall we?"

• • •

"Okay, you need to take a nap," I told G as he swayed on his feet, almost falling to the ground. He waved off my words and shook his skull. "Skeletons don't need sleep," he slurred, dragging a hand down his face. "Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure that's a lie," I replied, shaking my head when he stumbled. A sigh escaped my lips when he collapsed to the ground, a groan coming from him a second later.

I crouched down and rolled him over, preventing him from trying to stand up again. I stared at him with a hard look before taking off my jacket around my waist and balling it up into a pillow, setting it behind his skull before looking back at him. "Sleep. Now." He rolled his pupils and turned away as I stood up, my eyes going up to look around at the fields we had been traveling in for the past seven hours.

The sun was tilting towards the west with clouds rolling across the sky, beams of sunlight streaking through them and hitting the ground. A flock of birds in an arrow shape flew across the sky and cawed out to each other in shrill chirps. Grasshoppers and cicadas buzzed and sang from places inside the tall grass, a few loud chirps going off a few feet away.

I plopped down in the grass next to a now sleeping skeleton, picking at the grass with my hands and weaving them between each other to make grass ropes. I had made about twenty-three foot-long grass ropes before a hissing sound knocked me out of my thoughts. My eyes searched the tall grass where G and I were sitting, looking for where the sound had come from.

Then out of completely nowhere, a large cobra lunged out of the tall grass to my right, it's fangs bared and aimed at my exposed arm.

I sucked in a breath as my eyes widened and my reflexes took over, my left hand quickly grabbing my knife from the waistband of my cargo pants and slashing it at the cobra. The cobra hissed and backed away from the knife, it's head rearing up and falling back to prepare to lunge again. I jumped to my feet and quickly backed away as it lunged again, missing my leg before slithering towards me and letting out a loud hiss.

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