Saying goodbye

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The door opened to the crystal forest. People were already milling around all heading the one direction. We walked through, the leaves crunching underneath our feet. I held onto Jacobs hand through out the walk. We reached another door, which led to a hallway. Opening to a cliff top, waves crashed against the base of the cliff, the salt barely spraying us.The pale moonlight reflected off the water surface. Hundreds of urns were lined up along the edge, each one was unique to the person inside. Olea stood up in front of everyone.

"3 months ago we went to war, to save our own. The mission was successful and group A1 also managed to defeat the leader. However none of this could of been done without blood shed. All of you put your lives on the line, sadly these heroic people died, tonight we give them their final resting place, tonight we thank them, tonight we say our final good-bye." she finished. Everyone walked forward and picked up an urn. The pot I was holding was cool to the touch, the painting on displayed a vibrant blue flame. I opened the lid and as everyone did, I spread the ashes off the cliff.

The ashes didn't fall. They were held in mid-air floating slowly moving as though they were rearranging each other. Once the contents of the urn was completely gone, there in front of me was a kid no older then 12. He smiled at me and waved. A tear slid down my cheek, I smiled and waved back. The ash people started to walk around waving goodbye to everyone, they were all smiling. Jacob gripped my right hand and Jake gripped my left. 5 people stood in front of me. Simone, Shakira, Tara, Libby and Taylor all stood in front of me. They looked like they were laughing. They smiled and waved. Simone rubbed her stomach mouthing that she's hungry. I giggled. Tara raised her eyebrow and eyed my hand that was linked with Jake's. I saw that Jake was holding Samuel's hand.  I let go for a second as I waved goodbye. Tara waved and ran to catch up to Simone. My grip tightened one more person stopped in front of me. He to was smiling but his was the most radiant. Zane. He made a heart shape between me and Jake and started laughing. The tears started coming down harder. He smile widened when he saw me and Jacob. He mouthed I love you, and waved good-bye. I let go of Jake's hand and waved back. Zane smiled again and all the ash people stopped floating and fell. I gripped Jake's hand again. I couldn't help but smile. I watched as the ashes mixed in with the salty water and was taken out to the ocean. Jake pulled me in for a group hug with Chaise, Bailee, Samuel and Jacob. By the end of the night all of our eyes were puffy. I laid in my bed, Jake, Jacob and Samuel moved in with us. Chaise set the ground rules again.  I fiddled with Zane's necklace smiling.

"I can't believe we have to leave for New York."Chaise said.

"Well we need to rebuild bases and provide shelter to the  kids who need it." I replied.

"Besides we got each other." Jake cheerily said.

"It's gonna be a long trip." Jacob taunted.

"Oh yeah." I rested my head in my pillow and snuggled deeper into my sheets.

"Hey he's no that bad." Samuel retorted.

"Of course you would say that your nearly a clone of him." I called.

"Nearly?" Jake repeated. 

"Your still different. By the way I get first pick on rooms." I snickered.

"Fine, now sleep everyone!" Samuel shouted. No one said anything else. I snuggled deep into my bed and rested my head on my pillow. Holding onto the necklace my eyes slowly drooped until they were completely closed.

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