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"Hold off for 5 minutes Zane and I need to shower again." Samuel and Zane ran out of the room, leaving a trail of flour behind them.

"Wait whats going on?" Olea sounded just as confused as I did.

"Scouts spotted a group of Flunkeys far away from here, but are slowly making their way."

"So we need to move as fast as possible to hit them first before they hit us." Chaise commented.

I nodded my, I didn't know what else to do other then agree. I felt small amounts of fear churning inside me at the thought of having to face those creatures. Zane and Samuel came running back inside closing the door behind them.

"It's like a ghost town out there." Zane pointed outside.

"Most groups have already left." A random guy said. Zane stood next to me, entwining his fingers with mine tightly.

You know now that I think about it. We barely knew each other when we...and by we I mean Chaise, deicided we should go out, it was a bit sudden...but now it feels like I've known him for years. I love him...yeah I really love him.

I looked up to Zane, I looked as his eyes were focused on whoever was speaking. His eyes shifted to me. I snapped my heads forwards to try and focus on the speaker. I felt blood rush up to my cheeks, making me go beet red.

Since when do I blush?

"You're cute when you blush." Zane whispered in my ear.

"...we're leaving tomorrow, everyone who can teleport will be taking us there."Samuel finished. Everyone exited the room.

"So ahh Zane what's happening tomorrow?" I whispered in his ear. He laughed and shook his head.

"Everyone is meeting in the training room at 5, we have to bring the Wave Bands and turns out if all teleporting people form a circle around a large group they can teleport us anywhere." Zane finished. "I know I'm hot and all but you should really pay attention instead of admiring me." He sauntered away throwing a smile at me.

"Why am I friends with guys who have a big ego." I mumbled.

"Huh what about our egos." Chaise came up behind me making me jump back, I small scream escaped me. "I thought that I've seen everything today but I can honestly say I've never seen or heard you scream." He synced his pace with mine we walked side by side. "So where are you going?"

"I'm just following everyone I guess." I shrugged. Chaise just shook his head and tsked.

"If you weren't drooling all over Zane." He snickered. "You would now."

"What is it?" I asked. He just shook his heads and tsked some more.

"You'll have to wait and see." He started running ahead. I ran after him pushing past some people to try and catch up to Chaise to no avail. Everyone stopped walking. Samuel and Jake stood up and slid open a giant iron door.

"Now before we begin remember the only rule is that you don't hit members in your group."

I saw Tara next to me.

"Hey Tara what are we doing?" she looked at me dead serious.

"Weren't you listening, well if you must know it's called the last hurra, pretty much we are going to have as much fun as possible before tomorrow." She winked at me and walked into the room everyone followed in. A thought came across my mind.

"Nope...Nope nope." I shook my head ridding that thought from my head. I took a deep breath and walked in. Everyone was in there groups huddled together. Zane came up to me and pulled me over to our group.

"Welcome Willow nice of you to join us." Tara smirked.

"Don't listen to her, this is kinda like training but not really." Jake picked up a stocking full of coloured flour. "Just chuck these at the other groups." He tossed me one leaving a yellow trail in the air. "Unlike the other groups we have no strategy we are just gonna chuck flour like there's no tomorrow!"Jake raised the flour in the air. We cheered and started throwing flour at anyone I saw. Splattering them with a range of colours. Rainbow filled the room. I saw Zane with an arm full of flour. I came up behind him covering him in a mixture of pink and yellow and ran. I started getting pummeled with flour, I picked up as much bursts of colour flew past me. Zane was relentless he kept hitting me over and over flour covered my eyes. I raised my hands in defense. He smiled and walked to me pulling me into a deep passionate kiss. We pulled away standing in each others arms.

Once everyone was tired and out of flour we all left, leaving the room looking like a unicorn vomited in it. Zane and I walked next to each other.

"I'm so tired." Zane stretched his arms.

"You aren't the only one." I yawned.

"Zane, Willow hold up!" Chaise and Jake came running towards us, leaving a rainbow trail of dust behind them. "Hold on stop walking." Chaise panted. We stopped and smiled at them as they ran to us.

"Here." Jake handed me some photos. They were pictures of me and Zane hugging and chucking flour at each other. I caught a glimpse in the side of my eye, Chaise was handing something to Zane. I ignored it and handed the photos to Zane so he could see.

"These are really cool thanks guys." I gave Jake and Chaise a hug.

"No problem." Chaise smirked.

"Not gonna lie I'm not ever gonna see flour in the same way again."Zane chuckled.

"Right I'm gonna have a shower." Jake started to walk away.

"Same." Chaise disappeared.

"Come on." Zane edged on.

"Zane I shower on my own."

"No no no, not like that. Just follow me." He laughed and we continued walking. He stopped in front of a door and pulled out a key opening the door to the all familiar crystal lit room. I couldn't help but smile.Zane just laughed. We made our way to the pool of water. Just as beautiful as ever. I felt two strong hands push me,I tumbled in to the icy water, sending goosebumps all over my body. I heard a splash as Zane jumped in. The coloured flour swirled around us as we floated on the surface staring at the roof.


"mhm." I looked over to him and he stared into my eyes.

"I love you." His eyes glowed even brighter, full of love and compassion. "I want you to know that whatever happens tomorrow that I will always love you."

"I-I love you to Zane." His eyes were almost blinding. He pulled me towards him. Our lips crashed together. He pulled me closer I wrapped my legs around his waist. We stayed like this until we needed to come up for air. He carried me out of the water, and set me down on the grass. I stood up and laced my fingers with his. We walked around the forest once again, taking in its beauty. To our dismay it was time for us to leave. Zane opened the door and lead me outside locking the secret beauty away.

"It's getting late we should probably go to bed." I nodded and we made our way to our sleeping area. I crawled into bed. "Goodnight Willow."

"Goodnight Zane." I rolled over and closed my eyes. Welcoming sleep with open arms.

Zane's pov

She looked cute when she was sleeping so peaceful. I reached down and grabbed the wave band slipping it back onto my head.

Z:You there

C: Yep


Z: Thanks guys so much for doing this

C: Anything to help

J: Hopefully we won't have to right,Zane

Z: It's just a precaution, night.

I took off the waveband and slid it under my bed. I took one last look at her angelic face and rested my head on the pillow, darkness filled my vision until I dosed off into a deep sleep.

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