His Eyes

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I stood at what could only be the remains of the door entrance. The intoxicating smell of smoke tainted the air. I wanted to cry but I had no tears left to shed. I walked amongst the charred rubble.

Why are you here?
Because this is my home.

I walked around the house, hearing the crunch underneath my feet, trying to remember what was once here. I was here only a few hours ago. What happened?

I walked towards my parents room, the silhouettes of where the bodies must have been during the fire...

Everything that I remember was stained with black, the backyard where I took my first steps, my parents room where I spent those restless nights in when I was scared of the dark and the doorway where mum and dad came home with me in their arms. All of it...gone.

My eyes caught a shimmer within my parents room, I pulled it from the rubble. It was a silver necklace with a white bead hanging off of it, I've never seen this before. I put it in my pocket because what ever it was it was the only thing that survived. I walked more until my feet got tired and could no longer keep me up. I sat there for hours, I had no where else to go.

The sun was beginning to set, I had no friends or family to turn to. I heard a crunch, I whipped my head up and I made eye contact with the auburn and gold glowing eyes. It was the guy I saw last night! It wasn't a dream after all! I pulled my knees up to my chest and lowered my head.

He sat down next to me, and we sat there in silence for 5 minutes. Our breathing filling the dead air.
Then he stood up and forced me onto my feet.

"You can't stay here, you can come with me... if you want." His voice was deep, he sounded concerned. I looked into his eyes, a flash of uncertainty flickered in them but went right back to the original emotionless state.

Can I really trust him? Where else am I going to go? He's right, I can't stay here, there's nothing left for me here. But I don't know who he is. Where else am I going to go If I don't have friends or family to go to?

"Yeah. Where else am I going to go?"
He gave a slight nod and started walking and I followed him. Weird all those warning about stranger danger and here I am...following a stranger.

Night had fallen and darkness surrounded us. He led me to a forest. The crisp air made my hairs stand on end. Even at night the forest was full of life; the chirps of the crickets, the croaking of the toads and the silent river rushing over the rocks. We were walking slower now, the fireflies hovering around in the starry sky.

He stopped walking.

"It's just here." He started climbing up a tree. I looked up, and it looked as though it touched the sky. I inspected the tree closer and I saw a well hidden treehouse.

He lives in a treehouse... That. Is. Amazing.

I scrambled up the tree, my athletic abilities aren't the best. Once I reached the treehouse. I laid on the floor to catch my breath. He just stood there with his arms across his chest amusement flickering in his eyes.

"People would assume that when you ran down the hallway at your school that you would be athletic." He chuckled.

"Well for your information sir I-... wait, how did you know that?" I stared at him. Was he watching me?

He cleared his throat. "I was in the area and I happened to catch you running out of your school, pretty quickly, so I followed you to wherever you were going and... here we are." He gestured to the treehouse.

Something's not adding up, he was just in the area?

"So you were just in the area?"

"Yeah I was walking, and saw you crying, running. I was curious so I followed you to know why you were so upset..."

I sat up on the floor and faced him.

Why am I so focused on why he was in the area? Willow there are more important things to be asking him, like his eyes...

"You stalked me to my home, however I'm sure you already knew where I lived, but if you weren't there I would be sitting on my ass still, so thank you for letting me stay here... but... there are a few things we need to hash out first up." He looked at me as if I knew what I was going to ask.

"What is up with your eyes? Are you one of them werewolves from Teen Wolf with the glowing eyes?" I looked into the auburn and gold eyes of his, they were mesmerising. His jaw clenched.

"Do. Not. Compare. Me. To. Teen Wolf. And the eyes? I'm not allowed to say. At the moment what you need is food and sleep."

"Can I at least get your name? Mine's Willow Potens."

He stared at me for a few seconds.

"Zane... Zane Fide." He then held out his hand and helped me to my feet.

"Can we get some food now Zane?" As if on cue my stomach roared.

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