The Power Within

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I left her office and headed to my room, I crawled under my sheets and tried to get sleep but it was futile. Tear threatened to spill as my vision blurred. I rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with a loud thud. I hissed as I hit my funny bone. I slowly made my way out of my room and down the hall.
"1...2...3." I knocked on the third door quietly, I doubt he would have heard the knock. I felt stupid for doing this and was about to head back to my room when he opened his door. His hair was all over the place as he stood there in his boxers. My eyes wondered down to the muscular chest.
"If your done of checking me out, mind telling me what's wrong." Zane smirked as blood ran up to my cheeks. He chuckled, but it died down. "Are you okay?" He asked again. I looked into his eyes.
"...n-not really...just the reality of what's happened is starting to sink in." I looked down at my feet and played with my fingers.
"Hey..." He grabbed my hands and pulled me into hug. "Things will get better okay ... I won't let anything happen to you." His arm tightened around me. Tears stung my eyes but I held them back.
"Thanks r-really." We let go of each other and he walked me back to my room.
"By the way Chaise kinda got paranoid thinking that Genévive are you alive when you didn't come back." Zane smirked. "So did I she can be really scary sometimes."
"Really nah she's a sweetheart." I held back a wave of laughter.
"Goodnight Willow." He grinned and closed the door as he left. I walked to my window and looked at the clear sky with the stars illuminating the night. I fiddled with the necklace. I couldn't explain why but it made me feel safe. Thoughts ran through my head. My friends are probably worried sick they have no idea where I am... I don't know if I'll see any of them again...would they even miss friends are gone and the ones I loved most...gone...all gone.

There came a quiet knock on my door.

"Willow are you okay? Zane and I didn't see you after you went to Genévive...and I heard you Zane talking in the I thought I would come by."

I turned and saw Chaise standing in my door way.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just everything..." I waved my hands gesturing to the house.

"Yeah it's a lot to take in...but you make good friends along the way...heck I've only been here for 2 months and things are still sinking in." He rubbed his hands together.

"You've only been here for two months?"

"Well yeah... I haven't lived here my whole life."he answered it as if it were obvious.

"So... why are you here, like in this house?"

"Same reason why you are here... sort of." He walked into my room and sat next to me on the floor.

"Sort of?" I tilted my head.

"... this is kinda hard to explain... two months ago the night  before I found I out I was Sui Generis...Flunkeys broke into my house...I remember being woken up as someone dragged me out of bed. They dragged me past the living room and I saw my mum baling her eyes out behind for them not to take me, she held my baby sister and Dad made multiple death threats, whisky trying to give my mum comfort. T-the men then...pulled out chains and chained them to a pillar in our house. They continued to drag me outside the house and into a car. I saw out the window that they had set it on fire. Leaving my mum, dad and Viki inside to burn....I was almost taken by the Flunkeys, would have if Julia hadn't come and beat the crap out of them saving me...from god knows what." Chaise tensed up for a second but then relaxed. "And why are you here." He cocked an eyebrow. ....It was only fair if I told him...I have to tell someone at sometime...

"I was at school and got called to the office and they... they told me that my house was burnt down... and... my parents died in the fire... not telling me anything else...then the assholes tried to tell me that it was going to be okay, that I was going to be fine, saying that hey it's going to be okay we got some foster homes who are all willing to take you in!" I could feel my heart thumping with rage, pumping blood around my body. I felt a firm grip on my shoulder and the world started spinning around me, I could feel a cool wind rushing through my hair. But the anger coursing through my veins banished any calmness or stability that I may have had. Thunder cracked, a flash of lighting filled the sky and landed in my palm. I looked down towards my hand and a ball of lightning just hovered there.

The hand that was holding my shoulder slid away, I looked to Chaise who stood next to me. The rage that was bubbling only moments before disappeared, along with the ball of lightning.

"Ch-chaise." My voice wavered I was shaking. He pulled me in for hug and we just stood there. After a few moments we headed back to the house.

"Willow are you okay?" I turned to the voice. It was Zane near the entrance, he looked frightened. He had a short on now. Chaise left my side and walked up to him, he whispered something in his ear that I couldn't quite catch. The scared look on Zane's face changed to a more concerned look. Chaise left and Zane rushed me to the office. We waited there for a few moments before Genévive came bursting through the door, followed closely by Chaise. She sat down in her chair.

"What happened?" Her voice sounded tired and alert. Chaise was the first to speak.

"When you called her to your office after dinner I hadn't seen her after that, so I went to her room to ask if she was okay. We started talking and got onto an emotional topic, I could tell she was angry. But then her eyes changed from yellow to like a silver rainbow kinda, I don't know how to explain the colour but it was much brighter than usual. I then took her outside and lighting struck in her palm, and a ball of lightning was just hovering there."

"Why were you out there Zane?" Genévive shifted her gaze from Chaise to Zane.

"I heard the lightning  and went to go see what it was considering there was no cloud in the sky." He sounded so calm.

"Okay Chaise and Zane can one of you carry her back to her room."

"I think I'm perfectly capable of walking myself."

With that comment a gust of wind blew in my face, it made me feel drowsy I closed my eyes letting darkness fill my eyelids.

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