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Chaise shoved me forward, taking my waveband.

Why hadn't they gotten rid of this yet?

I saw someone standing in the center of the rubble. He wore jeans, black converse and a black shirt. His hair was a light golden brown shaved on one side and he had tanned skin but  his eyes kept changing through colours from apple red to a yellow flecked with brown. When these eyes focused on me they settled on the apple red.

"Wow spitting image." His voice was soft not menacing.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Straight to the point aren't you well hmmm lets see. Do you want to know my title or my actual name first?" He said amused. He shifted his weight from foot to foot.

"Actual name then title." I put flatly, I crossed my arms. He whistled, his expression switched to an evil amusement.

"Jacob Potens." He bowed. "Also known as The Ducem." He smirked. "You are Willow Potens." He stood up straighter. "I'm older then you by 2 minutes." I stood shocked. I remembered Olea and Samuel mentioning Jacob...but he died and we weren't even twins. He sighed loudly. "Yeah...They probably told you I died of cancer...yeesh well guess I didn't, sorry to disappoint." He dropped something on the ground. It flashed a couple of times, then it displayed of the images that the images Samuel and Olea showed me, except the images were expanded. Mum was in the hospital bed holding Jacob but Dad was holding me. The images of him growing up but I was there to. There was even a picture labelled Willow and Jacobs first bithday, first  day of primary school, first day of high school there were hundreds of these pictured. We looked like we were best friends doing everything together having real fun, it showed him and I both playing games, reading, playing studying everything.

They said he died at four.

"Confused?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Ahh yeah."

"Okay so let me explain, I was 12 when I discovered my power, mum and dad were so happy to find that I was Sui Generis like them. But I had to keep the secret from you...which killed me. I worked during the night with mum and dad. One night we were taking down the original Ducem, she had the power to travel in peoples body...we killed her but I found that you get more power when your the leader...I was sick of having to take orders...I wanted to give them. So one night I left home, taking over our high school and everyone in it.But as time dragged on...I missed you so I sent trackers and Flukeys to get you, people got in the way so I just took them I just wanted my best friend back." He smiled.

"Whats your power?" I tapped my foot on the ground, not because I was impatient but because I was scared.

"To replace memories. The night I snuck away I replaced your memories, you woke up got a glass of milk. You saw Zane in the backyard he was there because mum and dad knew something was wrong he was there to protect you. Any way when you went back to bed,I put away your glass and left for good." I remembered that night, when I first met Zane.

"So what do you want?"I tried to sound as confident as possible.

"I want you to join me obviously, have you not read books like that to be honest it was quite obvious." 

"Depends can you give back memories." I uncrossed my arms and let them hang by my sides. Jacob smirked and clicked his fingers. I felt something switch in my mind, all the blocked memories...the changed memories...the broken memories. Were fixed put back together I remembered how much fun we had together. Through childhood and our teen years. He was there for me during my highs and lows, when I couldn't talk to mum and dad he was there. I was the same for him, he was my brother and I miss him...Everything he said was true. I regained my composure. "Sorry to burst your bubble but no way in hell would I join you, you aren't my Jacob just someone who used to be him."

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