More training

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"What do you mean they're still alive!
You better not be joking this isn't a joking matter!" I raised my voice. I saw the images flicked through displaying images of them chained to a wall, their hope slowly sinking with every picture.
"No I'm not joking, they to...are powerful people. Instead of changing them to a tracker or killing them they're using them for else do you think the Flunkeys got coordinates to the bases."
Olea said flatly.
I paid no attention to what their expressions were, my eyes were glued to the blue rays my vision slowly becoming  blurry as the tears started to well up.
"Why would they give information like that away?" My voice shaking with every word.
"They have 3 telepathics rummaging through their minds, they have no choice. Neither the telepathics or your parents have a choice."
With her comment I tilted my head in confusion.
"Most Flunkeys do as they are told they chose that life but their are some Flunkeys who don't have their own free will they are told to do a specific task and if not completed, everyone they love will be murdered in front of them."
"Who tells them this stuff?" A tear rolling down my cheek.
"The Ducem." Samuel spat, acid behind those words."His plan is to take over our world then the world we left behind. It ain't gonna be long until they find this base. So three groups including yours will be attacking the Ducems base. So for the next few days everyone will be training. Do you have any more questions?"
"I will always have questions." With that I left the room and rushed to the training room. The tears still welled in my eyes, Chaise and Simone ran up to me.
"Are you okay?" They sounded concerned.
"I'm fine." Was all I could reply with. I really didn't want to burden them with my past. Everyone else started approaching. Fingers intertwined with mine and pulled me outside down a few halls and ended up in a dark corner. I looked up and Zane was there.
"Zane I-" he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. He was so warm.
"Don't you dare say your fine because your can tell me." His voice softened with the last part. I hugged him back.
I debated for a while in my head but gave up.
You need to tell him.
I told him everything about the Flunkeys, the ducem, my parents, my brother...everything. His hug tightened with every word making me feel safe. We stood in a silent embrace. I didn't ever want to let go. His grip loosened and his hands were on my shoulders, he leaned down and kissed my forehead. I freed myself from him arms. His hands dropped down next to me and linked his fingers with mine. We walked back to the training room. Zane leaned down.
"You don't have to tell them about your past...but you need to tell them about the Flunkeys and your parents." He whispered in my ear. I nodded in agreement. I walked up to them and repeated the information to them. I told them everything minus a few things that will stay between Zane and I.
"Alright we need to work on a schedule where we can all train." Bailee spoke. There was no amusement in anyone's faces.
"That's simple we train in the morning have a break around lunchtime then more training in the afternoon. Then sleep or whatever you do in your free time." Jake sounded as though he had planned this before. Everyone mumbled in agreement.
"We start tomorrow now I suggest everyone go to sleep now, even though it's 2pm cause we are gonna start training earlier, longer and harder." Jake left the training room.
"He's really serious." Chaise stated as he to walked away. Everyone left, after about 5 minutes Zane and I left. We were just at the opening in the hallway which leads to the sleeping areas, Zane grabbed my hand and started running, he led me down corridors that I haven't been in. He stopped running and we were in front of a door, he pulled out key that was around his neck. He put the key in the keyhole and turned it *click* he swung the door open. It opened to a brightly lit room, trees spanning to the roof, I could hear rushing waters somewhere, the green trees, the ferns, the bushes then a splash of colour every now and then of pink flowers, there was a quiet hum of cicadas. Zane pulled me into the room locking the door behind him. I looked past the the tops of the trees, I saw giant yellow crystals casting a warm bright glow.
"We haven't had much time together. Alone." He broke the silence. He took my hand and we slowly walked through the magical forest.
"How do you know about this place?"
He laughed. "You wouldn't believe who showed me this place...yesterday Chaise appeared in front of me. Scared the crap out of me and he showed me this place he showed me how to get here and gave me the key." He had a glowing smile on his face.
"Of all people it was Chaise your right I wouldn't believe it." I looked at Zane's face. His lightly tanned skin, his auburn eyes, his dark brown hair and his chiseled jaw. His hand lightly tugged in mine. The rushing waters got louder and louder, we went through an opening and there was a ginormous waterfall spraying water droplets on my skin. There was a shallow pool in front of the waterfall I ran to it letting go of Zane's hand.
Zane's pov
I wanted to grab hold of her hand again but I let her go. She took off her shoes and rolled up her pants. I watched as she stepped into the water. I could hear her squealing. I couldn't help but laugh. Her light brown hair shined in the crystal's light, her yellow eyes glistened with happiness, her soft features and her joyous smile widened when she touched the water.
"Your not as clumsy when we first met." I shouted over the waterfall. I remember her falling multiple times in the forest on our night walk.
"Shut up!" She laughed. She crouched down to the water and cupped some in her hand and flung it at me. The cool droplets traveled down my arm.
"When we first met your hand traveled through glass how does that work huh?" Her smile never left her face.
"I don't know I've always been able to that can't really explai-" she splashed a bucket load of water on me and laughed gripping her stomach.
That's it no more.
Willows pov
My laughing soon stopped. Zane had taken his shoes off, rolled up his pants and took off his shirt. He jumped into the water with a splash. He dug his hands into the water and a wave came crashing towards me. I was to fixated on him that I didn't move, the wave came crashing into me nearly knocking me off my feet.
Your not gonna win,Willow
"Truce." I held out my hand.
"Can't handle it I see okay." Zane took my hand a shook it. I gritted my teeth at his remark. I stomped out of the water and put my shoes back on. I patted my clothes.
"What the heck my clothes are dry."
"Yeah don't question it to much."
I was to focused on my defeat to admire Zane's chest. He was surprisingly muscular. He came out of the water and put his shirt back on and his shoes. We walked around exploring the rest of this beautiful forest. It felt like we were in there for hours and I loved every second.
"I wish we didn't have to leave." I pouted
"Same. But we have to go...we can always come back." I turned to Zane, I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a quick kiss. "What that's it I take you to this amazing place and all I get is that."
I rolled my eyes and gave him a deeper kiss which we held for long time. When we finally parted, to our dismay it was time to leave this place. Zane opened the door to the gloomy grey corridor. I left and took one last glance at the hidden forests as the door closed and was locked. We walked back to the sleeping quarters.
"Everything looks so dull now." I stated
"Everything looks dull compared to you." I held Zane's hand until we reached our sleeping area.
"Cheesy." I scoffed.
"Well I got more cheesy lines for you but that's for another time." I rolled my eyes and crawled into bed ready for sleep. Just before I closed my eyes I saw Chaise and Zane exchange a fistbump.
"Boys." I rolled over my back facing them.
"Girls." Zane sneered. I chucked a pillow at him. "Now now we have a truce." I gritted my teeth again. He chucked my pillow back. I grabbed it slamming my head into it closed my eyes. Letting sleep come.

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