On my way

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I rolled off my bed face planting on the floor.

"What are great way to start the day." I mumbled. I stood up and brushed myself off. I looked at the beds seeing lumps in the sheets slowly rising and falling.

"What time is it?" I stretched my arms, letting them fall to my sides. "Pfft no one here is awake." I told myself. I looked at Simone she was lying on her back, hands and legs in a wolf like position, her fluff ball of hair sprawled around her and every few seconds she would swipe the air. My body was trembling trying to contain my laughter. Chaise's face was on one side of the pillow as he laid on his side, his slight fringe covered his closed eye and a string of drool followed as he rolled over. I was shaking uncontrollably now, I cupped my hands over my mouth. I took a shaky breath out trying to calm down. I looked down to Zane, his arms and legs spread across the bed, his face on one side of the pillow.

"No I don't want a sandwich... unless it has peanut butter." He said unaware that anyone was listening. He rolled over ending up in a ball.

"So he sleep talks." I rolled on the floor gripping my stomach, laughing uncontrollably.

"Wh-what."Zane's eyes fluttered open and stared at me, laughing like a clown.

"The hell." Chaise hung his head over the side of the bed looking annoyed, he hair was dead flat on the left side of his head.

"Huh." Simone rolled off the bed almost landing on me. "What time is it?" Simone yawned and rubbed her eyes. My laughter died down.

"3:40 a.m."

"How did you know the time?" I asked, Chaise looked at me as if I were as dumb as a box of nails.

"It's called a watch." He showed me his watch on his left wrist. I never noticed it.

"I'm going back to sleep." Simone climbed back into bed and instantly fell asleep.

"I am to and hopefully laughing maniacs wont wake me up." He death glared me. It wasn't long until he to fell asleep. Zane just looked at me shaking his head.

"What?" I asked. I got up from the ground and sat at the edge of my bed.

"What was so funny?" He pulled a drowsy smirk still tired.

"You guys." He raised his eyebrows, motioning me to go on. "Simone swiped the air, Chaise's bed hair and drool and you sleep talking."I finished.

"And what did I say? He said sarcastically.

"No I don't want a sandwich...unless it peanut butter." I grinned.

"Oh no you know my secret...it's...it's...peanut butter sandwiches."He put the back of his hand to his forehead and fell back into his bed. I giggled. "No that's enough laughing from you, we should probably go to sleep." He insisted. I flopped down on my bed letting my legs hang off the edge. I closed my eyes but sleep never came. I laid there staring at the boards that kept Simone from crushing me. I sat like this for at least five minutes, unable to sleep.

In a few hours I'm going into war...I might see my parents again, I might...die. If I die would I get a funeral, I may look like a human but I know I'm not I'm unique I'm...Sui Generis. What would happen to everyone...would Zane move on...hopefully. I don't want him to die either...I love him to much to let him leave my life...

"What're you thinking about?" Zane interrupted my thoughts. I looked to him, he looked worried. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

Was I crying? Obviously .

"Nothing...really." I lied.

"Like I'm gonna believe that." He scoffed. He got out of his bed and tucked me in. He climbed in a laid beside me and hugged me. I put my head on his chest, resting it there. I heard his breathing, his heartbeat and I felt his chest rising and falling with his every breath. "Now what is it?" He pressed his lips to my forehead.

"Just promise me that you'll stay safe." My voice wavered.

"I promise I will try." His gripped tightened. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Nope nope nope what have I told you about sleeping in the same bed!" Chaise yelled. My eyes shot open. I saw Chaise dragging Zane out of my bed. "Not okay! That was a rule and you broke it and not just any rule my rule!"

"Chaise calm down and stop yelling."

"Coming from laughing McGee over here." Chaise breathed in and out calming himself down. "As your best friend it is my duty to keep this guy in check." he pointed at Zane, who just laughed shaking his head.

"What time is it." I got out of bed and helped Zane up.

"Time to get a watch."He crossed his arms.

"It's 4:30 a.m."Simone jumped down from her bed. "We should probably go now."Simone shoved her hands in her pockets and started walking.

"Lets go." Chaise pushed us both out into the hallway. We eventually caught up to Simone.

"So Chaise." I nudged his arm.

"Yes." He turned his head to me.

"If you were to pick a colour, what would you pick?" I smiled.

"Green." Zane commented.

"Purple!" Simone shouted flailing her arms like a t-rex.

"Blue." Chaise added. "How about you Willow?"


"Geez way to make it complicated. Our colours were simple." Zane complained.

"Shut up." I punched his arm. We spent the rest of the walk just talking, poking fun at one another and it was overall a good time. We reached the training room 5 minutes early.

"Sup ma fam!" Jake shouted "The entire family is here now." He pulled us towards the rest of our group and Samuel in a group hug.

"Slowly dying." Tara gasped, slowly collapsed to the ground.

"5:30!" Shakira shouted. Jake let us go and went to the center of the room.

"Alright everyone bunch together all teleporters form a circle!" We all shuffled into a circle. I took hold of Zane's hand. Chaise stood in the circle linking hands with other people forming a circle around us. I gave him a reassuring smile. I squeezed Zane's hand, as the world turned into a blur.

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