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I woke up the following morning and went to the kitchen to get breakfast, I remember not putting my milk away so I looked for it but it was gone.

Must have been a dream then...

I eat my breakfast, brush my teeth and get dressed in a moss green shirt, black pants, grey beanie and brown shoes. I look in the mirror to fix the brown nest that is called my hair.

"Bye mum and dad have a good day."

They were still in bed after a night of partying, I rushed out the door.
"Now that has to be a record, 20 minutes." I congratulated myself.

The day went by as usual with Maths and Biology in the morning. I went to class and pretended to listen, but it was different in a way. It felt as though I was constantly my being watched by hundreds of people as if I were dangerous, it made my hairs stand on end.

Lunch came and I decided it was best to eat outside as it was way too crowded inside. My friends were busy either studying for an upcoming test, snogging their girl friend or home sick. So I just sat on the bench eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich when I got slapped across the face, causing me to get knocked off the bench and drop my sandwich. I felt heat rush to my cheek.

"Aww did wittle willow got hurwt?"

I look up to see the oh so popular Claire with her entourage of bimbos behind her giggling like they are high on laughing gas. Claire's jet black hair hovered over my face as she leaned down closer to me.

"Do you want me to call your mummy to make your owie go away?" She taunted. My ice blue eyes met her dark brown ones. Now you may be wondering why she slapped me...well let's just say that you should never ever tell Claire her face represents a rotten orange, which has been sitting in horse crap for years. It may not sound all that mean but honestly that was the best description of her face since then she's been out to make the rest of my school life more miserable.

"I was going to give you a nasty look but it seems you already have one." I retorted as I got up, picked up my lunch dumping it in the bin and walked away.

"Y-you little b-"

"Could Willow Potens please come to the office immediately, could Willow Potens come to the office immediately, thank you."

The loud speaker interrupted Claire, I sped away not wanting my eyes to be tainted by the witch that is Claire.
"What?!?" I stood up, frozen in place. My vision going blurry.

"Miss Potens, please calm down, it's going to be find. I know it's a lot to take in. But we are going to have to discuss where you'll be staying." The principal looked at me as the police officer was attempting on calling me down. "Sine you have no other blood related family member or God parents we are going to have to put you in Fost-"

"NO! " the sadness had turned into anger, the tears stung my eyes as the spilled and flowed down my cheeks." You don't get it! You're telling me that my home was burnt to a crisp along with my parents and ...your telling me that I'm going to be fine!? What is wrong with you!? You do not get to tell me that it will be okay, that everything's fine, you don't understand what I've just been told!"

"Miss Potens please-"

My face turned red from the crying. I looked at the principal and tothe police officer. How dare they tell me that I'm going to be fine.

I stood up and ran. I ran and ran hearing my feet thump against the school floors and out the door, cool wind rushing in my face mixing with the heat radiating from me. I ran until I reached to what was once called my home.

Sui GenerisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora